TIP OF THE DAY: Tartlet With Matching Sorbet | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Tartlet With Matching Sorbet | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Tartlet With Matching Sorbet

Thanks to the enthusiastic response to yesterday’s easy, light summer dessert, the Pavlova, here‘s another idea. It was inspired by a dessert we saw at Chocolate Lab restaurant in San Francisco:

Serve a fresh fruit tartlet with a matching sorbet. Here are the easy steps: Choose a pairing theme (mango, raspberry, strawberry or other fruit where you can buy or make a matching sorbet) and assemble the ingredients.

You can start by looking for inspiration at artisan sorbets±blueberry tarragon, strawberry basil, etc. But there‘s nothing wrong with a simple, everyday sorbet.



  • Tartlet shells, purchased or made
  • Fruit(s) of choice
    Strawberry tartlet with strawberry tarragon sorbet from Chocolate Lab | San Francisco.
  • Optional base (crème pâtissière [recipe] or purchased custard, vanilla yogurt) or glaze (melted currant jelly)
  • Optional garnish (mint leaf, chocolate medallion, etc.)

    1. CUT the fruit into pieces that fit comfortably into the tartlet shell

    2, ADD a light base of crème pâtissière or alternative (if using current jelly, pour it over the fruit). Top with fruit.

    3. SCOOP sorbet onto plate; add tartlet; garnish and serve.

    A tart is an open-face pastry with a base of plain or puff pastry dough. It is baked in a shallow tart pan that has either straight or fluted sides and a removable bottom, or in a metal tart ring placed on a baking sheet. The filling can be sweet or savory.

    “Tart” refers to the full-size, multi-portion pastry, a cousin to the pie. Individual-size tarts are called tartlets; a mini tart (bite size) is also a tartlet.

    Unlike a pie, a tart is removed from the tart pan or ring before serving. Here are all the differences between tarts and pies.

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