COOKING VIDEO: How To Make Gourmet Macaroni And Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures COOKING VIDEO: How To Make Gourmet Macaroni And Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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COOKING VIDEO: How To Make Gourmet Macaroni And Cheese


Macaroni and cheese is one of America’s favorite comfort foods. Adults and kids both love to reach for a box of mac and cheese mix.

But there’s no need to purchase a boxed mix or prepared mac and cheese when it’s so enjoyable to prepare it from scratch. One of our favorite culinarians, Chef Terrance Brennan of Picholine and Artisanal restaurants in New York City, shows you how easy it is in this week’s cooking video.

More ways to enjoy mac and cheese:

  • Try a different spin on the cheese: goat’s milk butter (look for Meyenberg goat butter, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week) and goat cheese, blue cheese or other favorite from the cheese board.
  • Or try a dessert pasta dish like sweet kugel, made with ricotta or farmer cheese.
  • Using a different pasta shape other than elbows can lead to a more fun or a more elegant presentation. Find out which shapes will work best in macaroni and cheese and many more dishes by visiting our Pasta Glossary. It’s one of our most popular articles.
  • You’ll find many more how-tos in our Cooking Video Section.

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