TIP OF THE DAY: Flavored Mustards For Taste & Dieting
Roquefort mustard Laurent du Clos is one |
For New Year’s dieters:
Flavored mustards can transform a dish, adding almost no calories but intense notes of tarragon, basil, Roquefort or lemon to your sandwich, vinaigrette, potato salad or charcuterie. Or create a delicious crust on chicken, fish, beef, lamb or pork. Think of classic Dijon as “plain vanilla” and start to expand your mustard horizons. We love the Laurent du Clos line of French mustards, and the Anton Kozlik line from Canada is a truly eye-opening experience as to the heights mustard can ascend. The alarming trend we’ve been noticing lately, though, is that some fancy flavors include sugar. (We’ve tasted them—sugar mustard is yuck!) We don’t even have to mention (but we will) that this adds calories—45 calories a teaspoon instead of 5 calories, not to mention more hidden sugar in our diet. Check the label: Unless it’s a honey mustard, a fruit mustard or a mustard dip/sauce, shun the sugar.
By the way, mustard is a gluten-free product. |