TIP OF THE DAY: Christmas Salad Recipe | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Christmas Salad Recipe | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Christmas Salad Recipe

Make a beautiful red-and-green Christmas salad by adding “red” greens to your vegetable mix.

If you can’t find the more exotic red lettuces—red leaf lettuce, red oak lettuce and red romaine—most stores carry the naturally red-veined chard, baby kale and radicchio. You can mix them with regular green leaf lettuces, if you like.

You also may find red endive and red mustard greens. For more color, slice very thin rings of red and green bell peppers, and slice water chestnuts into thin disks as “tree ornaments.”

Use an elegant vinaigrette. Try fine olive oil with a sherry or Champagne vinegar in a 3T:2T proportion and a pinch of dry mustard; add salt and fresh-ground pepper to taste. Instead of regular table salt, wen add more flavor with a seasoned salt, like saffron salt, fennel salt or other artisan salt blend.


The red-leaf lettuce at top makes a festive
Christmas salad. Photo by Scott Bauer | U.S.
Agricultural Research Service.

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