HOLIDAY: Whisky Chocolates For Robert Burns Day

When you sang “Auld Lang Syne” on New Year’s Eve, did you recall that it was first a poem by Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland (1759-1796)? His birthday, January 25th, is celebrated in Scotland as Burns Night. Family and friends gather for an evening of good food and company. It’s a warm and…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Whiskey-Infused Chocolate Truffles

If Dad loves chocolate and spirits, this may be the ideal Father’s Day gift! The Oregon Distiller’s Collection from Moonstruck Chocolate is nine-piece collection of truffles infused with spirits from five of Oregon’s finest craft distillers. The spirits are infused into chocolate ganache and hand-piped into hand-painted chocolate shells. The collection is a parade of…
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