TIP OF THE DAY: How To Keep Produce Fresh

Today’s tip comes from a reader question to The New York Times: Does the mist that grocers spray on fresh vegetables keep them fresh or hasten spoilage? It depends. Without spraying, many vegetables would wilt, since, after harvest, they go into a drier environment and cannot replenish water through their roots. On the other hand,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Store Fresh Herbs

You can become a better cook overnight, just by using fresh herbs. Keep fresh basil, chives, dill, parsley, tarragon and other favorites in the fridge. They’ll make any savory dish taste better—from breakfast to dinner. Use fresh herbs and you don’t need to add as much salt (or any sugar) to recipes. Snip them into,…
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PRODUCT & FREE SAMPLE: CoverMate Stretch-To-Fit Food Covers

Are you a big user of plastic wrap? It’s not the greenest product in the kitchen: Use it once, throw it away and let it sit in the landfill for an eternity. CoverMate has a solution. Its Stretch-to-Fit Food Covers are a heavier grade of plastic with a stretch band that easily covers any shape…
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