PRODUCT: Barilla Microwaveable Meals: Pasta In 60 Seconds

Just pour the sauce tray on top of the pasta and you’ve got a tasty pasta entrée. Shown: one cooked entrée and two packages waiting for the microwave. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   It’s new, it’s clever and it’s a real time saver. After just 60 seconds in the microwave, you can…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Host A Spaghettata, An Informal Spaghetti Party

If you’re Italian American, you may know what a spaghettata is (pronounced spa-get-TAH-tah). It’s like a cookout, but it takes place indoors, with spaghetti. In other words, it’s a spaghetti party (or simply a pasta party, if you serve a different type of pasta). It can be an impromptu lunch or dinner, following a card…
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