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TIP OF THE DAY: Farmers Markets

This tip comes from Alissa Dicker Schrieber, The Kitchenista:

We love shopping in farmers markets. The pleasant environment, the food and the ability to buy directly from the grower can’t be beat.

Everything is super fresh, often picked (or caught) just the day before. The food is locally produced: It doesn’t travel across the country (or across continents) to get to you. And since the variety of fruits, veggies, meat, poultry, fish, cheeses, breads, etc. is always changing, shopping at farmers markets can add instant variety to your diet.

Best of all, when you bring home great-tasting, high-quality fresh ingredients, your job becomes much easier. With some simple, unfussy cooking (often, merely some chopping), you can look like a culinary genius. The food already tastes great!

  • For the best selection, arrive at the market early. Certain items sell out very quickly.
  • That being said, farmers will often offer specials and discounts toward the end of the day, when they’re getting ready to leave.
    Look for dandelion greens in spring farmers
    markets. An excellent source of calcium
    and vitamins A and C, they contain more iron
    than spinach. Enjoy them in a salad.

  • A good plan is to start by walking through the market in one direction, to see what all the vendors are offering. (Who has the best strawberries? Who has better prices?) Then, reverse your direction and purchase what looks best.
    Find a farmers market at

    While you’re there, click on the CSA tab to learn about Community Supported Agriculture. It has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Participants get a weekly box of seasonal food, ensuring that they get the freshest fruit and produce and guaranteeing an income for the farmer.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Kitchen

    Pleasantly scented products make cleaning
    more enjoyable. Photo courtesy Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day.
      Today is the first day of spring. It officially begins at 7:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time.

    So it’s time for a little spring cleaning.

    Here are some kitchen spring cleaning tips from Chef Geoffrey Zakarian of The National restaurant in New York City.

  • Throw away your spices and buy a fresh supply. Salt and pepper can stay.
  • Send knives to be professionally sharpened. They will last longer; plus, dull knives slip more easily.
  • Check if your freezer needs to be defrosted and throw away anything that has freezer burn (or has been there for more than a year).
  • Check expiration dates on condiments in the refrigerator, and throw away anything that’s expired.

  • Empty all cupboards and clean out the dust and crumbs that have gathered, then deep clean cabinets and shelves to remove grease that has filtered in from cooking.
  • Organize your cookbooks and put the ones that you have not been using front and center, in order to mix up your repertoire. If you’re not going to use particular cookbooks, give them away—perhaps have a cookbook exchange with friends.
  • Have your floors and kitchen rug or carpet professionally deep cleaned to extract bacteria and germs.
  • Clean all garbage cans inside and out with bleach.
  • If you have granite or marble countertops, have them professionally polished.
  • Cut up a lemon and run it through your garbage disposal to eliminate odor.
    Before you start, treat yourself to some great-smelling cleaning products. We like lavender, and have stocked up on lavender countertop cleaner, scrubbing powder and all purpose cleaner from Mrs. Meyers Clean Day. The company also has products in Apple, Baby Blossom, Basil, Geranium, Honeysuckle and Lemon Verbena scents.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Drink Beer From A Globe Glass

    Historically, different beers have been drunk from differently-shaped glasses. For example, Germans created the tall pilsner and the handled stein. The British prefer the pint glass. Belgians favor a globe glass.

    It turns out that the Belgian glass may be the best for enhancing the flavor of beer.

  • The globe shape captures and directs the beer’s aromas toward your nose.
  • The tapered opening harnesses the foam and enhances the beer’s bouquet.
  • The stem keeps your hand from warming the beer.
  • Like a Champagne glass, a good globe beer glass has etched lines at the bottom of the bowl that help to create a continuous stream of bubbles.

    Wine glass expert Riedel—which makes a different-shaped glass to enhance the unique qualities of each type of wine—sells a modified globe glass for beer.

    If you’re in the market for new drinking glasses, check out the globes.

    See the different types of beer glasses.

    The Belgian “globe” glass may deliver the
    tastiest beer. This glass is from Spielgau.


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    COOKING VIDEO: Spring Salad In A Cucumber “Vase”


    Some things that look hard are actually really easy.

    Take Spring Salad In A Cucumber Vase. The “vase” is actually a cucumber wrap filled with a multicolor spring lettuce mix.

    What’s a spring lettuce mix? It varies by producer, but can include arugula, baby spinach, endive, frisée, green and red oak leaf, mustard greens, red and green romaine, lolla rossa (a fully curled red lettuce), radicchio and Swiss chard.

    Take a look at how to turn a cucumber and a bag of spring lettuce mix into a work of art:



    Find more salad recipes in our Vegetables Section.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Snack On Baking Chocolate Discs

    Photo courtesy Antoine Amrani.

      The fine chocolate discs used for baking and making chocolates can also be used for snacking.

    Also called baking wafers or couverture wafers, the discs, which are made by premium chocolate producers, come in one-pound boxes (and larger sizes for professionals). Guittard, for example, offers:

  • 38% cacao (dark milk chocolate)
  • 61% cacao (semisweet chocolate)
  • 72% cacao (bittersweet chocolate)
  • When you feel the need for a bite of chocolate, one or two small wafers can satisfy.

    Or enjoy a triple treat: one disc each of milk, semisweet and bittersweet chocolate.

    And the price is right: One-pound boxes of this fine chocolate cost around $10.00, and there’s no tax on baking chocolate. When you compare the prices of fine chocolate bars, $10.00 for 16 ounces of chocolate discs is a good deal!

  • Find our favorite chocolates, recipes and many pounds of chocolate information in our Gourmet Chocolate Section.


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