PRODUCT WATCH: AllerNotes For Food Allergies

An easy, portable solution for everyone with food allergies.   An estimated 12 million Americans suffer from food allergies, some of which can be fatal. Last year, a member of THE NIBBLE staff, allergic to peanuts, specifically told the waiter at a Thai restaurant that she could have no nuts. Either the message did not…
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TRENDS: Bottled Water News & Blues

To drink, or not to drink: That is the question.   Americans consume 97.5 liters of bottled water per capita (25.76 gallons), according to Nestlé, the world’s largest water bottler. In 2006, 8.25 billion gallons’ worth of bottled water was sold, a 9.5% increase over 2005. More bottled water is sold than milk, and it…
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FREEBIE: Terra Chips Serving Bowl

Terra Chips are one of our favorite snacks. The elegant root chips—crispy slices of batata, parsnip, sweet potato and taro instead of regular potato chips (the red ones are colored taro, not beet, which is too difficult to work with)—are so elegant with cocktails. The folks at Terra Chips are offering a free Lucite jumbo…
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TRENDS: What’s Hot At Restaurants

According to a survey of more than 1,200 chefs across America conducted by the National Restaurant Association, the hottest restaurant trends are small plates (including tasting menus of small portions for main courses, dessert, wine flights and other alcohol beverages) and alternative-source ingredients—local produce, organics, sustainable seafood, grass-fed and free-range meat and poultry and alternative…
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