Fun & Learning: Measure Your Carbon Footprint

Start your day with a bowl of organic breakfast cereal. Organic food production does not create greenhouse gases. If every American converted 10% of our foods to organic, it would be the equivalent of taking 2 million car off the road each year.   Measure your carbon footprint with the Ecological Footprint Calculator. It’s eye-opening—and…
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New Product: Can Chocolate Predict The New President?

Some people look to the Gallup, Zogby and Harris polls to gauge the presidential preference of the American public. But chocolatier B.T. McElrath is measuring public opinion on a “gut” level: chocolate sales. “Campaign Buttons,” round dark chocolate melt-a-ways that have been selling like—hotcakes?—since early June. They feature cocoa butter images of Democrat or Republican…
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CONTEST: Yogurt Trivia Gourmet Giveaway

Today, yogurt has moved beyond a simple dairy staple to a glamorous topping and ingredient, as shown in this breakfast parfait. Learn about the different types of yogurt in our Yogurt Glossary. Like yogurt? Enter this week’s Gourmet Giveaway: The lucky winner of our yogurt prize will get to enjoy a selection of water buffalo…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: August Is National Peach Month

Peaches originated in China. They were the first fruits to be domesticated, 4,000 years ago. Asians prefer the low-acid, sweeter, white-fleshed peaches while Europeans and North Americans have historically grown the yellow-fleshed varieties. Whichever you prefer, celebrate National Peach Month with some of these past NIBBLE selections: No-Calorie & Low-Calorie Treats: –AirForce NutriSoda Focus (Peach…
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