CONTEST: Gourmet Giveaway~Cranberry Raisinets

Two antioxidants—chocolate and cranberry —combine in this tasty new snack. If only sugar were an antioxidant, too! Photo by Emily Chang | THE NIBBLE. October is National Cranberry Month, so enjoy this tart and tangy superfruit that boasts two powerful antioxidants. Fresh cranberries are coming into season, dried cranberries are always a treat and cranberry…
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RECIPES: Dessert Pasta For National Pasta Month

Award-winning dessert lasagna by Chef Michael Stambaugh. Photo and recipe courtesy of the National Pasta Association. November is National Pasta Month—a holiday we’d like to celebrate with a different delicious pasta dish every day. While most of us have tried the many different types of pasta, from long cuts (fettuccine) and short cuts (penne) to…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Blue Mold = Good Mold

It’s Moldy Cheese Day—yes, it’s an officially declared food holiday—so it’s time for a little mold education. If a blue mold develops on your cheese, that’s good and natural (think blue cheese). You can eat it; or if you aren’t into blue, scrape it off and enjoy the rest of the cheese. Red or black…
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