TIP OF THE DAY: Eat The Decorations

Use small cookie cutters to make tasty platter decorations and plate garnishes from fruits, vegetables and cheeses. Stars, crescents, diamonds and flowers are good all-purpose shapes. Use leaves, snowflakes, hearts and lobsters for seasonal accents. Make garnishes that contrast in color with the foods and plates they’ll decorate: RED beets, watermelon radishes and watermelon; YELLOW…
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RECIPES: Grape Expectations

Summer is the season for juicy California grapes. Here are three recipes that promise to be popular with your friends and family this weekend: Asian Chicken Salad Frozen Black Grape Margarita Whole Grilled Fish With Minted Grape Relish   We bet you’ll relish them all! Find more chicken recipes. Find more cocktail recipes (including more…
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TIP OF THE DAY #2: Garnish Food With Dessert Picks

  We’re talking about repurposing the cocktail picks used for skewering olives, also known as fruit picks and party picks. We use them to stack berries and grapes to garnish a dessert. Embellish cakes, ice cream, puddings…you can stand a pick vertically in a cupcake or add one to the saucer of a cup of…
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NEW PRODUCT: Oregon Dukkah ~ Dip Like An Egyptian!

Dip the bread in some olive oil, then in the dukkah. And don’t forget the wine! Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE. Dukkah is a versatile Egyptian dry seasoning mixture of chopped nuts or chickpeas, plus a variety of flavorful seeds, spices and herbs. In the old days, the ingredients were ground together in…
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