GOURMET GIVEAWAY #1 ~ A Fresh-Cut, 7-Foot-Tall Green Valley Christmas Tree

Sure, you could bundle yourself up in a parka and snow boots, trudge through the snow at a tree lot looking for the perfect Christmas tree, cut it down, drag it back to your car and haul it home through the holiday traffic. Or, you could win a fresh-cut Christmas tree in our Gourmet Giveaway…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Truffle Popcorn Kit

Truffle popcorn kit. Photo courtesy 479Popcorn.com. This is not your average popcorn gift. There’s no buttered, cheese-flavored and caramel corn in a gift tin. That’s kid stuff. Here, the product is strictly for adults; specifically, adults who love truffles. Truffles are one of the costliest foods in the world. While most truffle fans can’t afford…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: The Best Chocolate Cherry Gift From John & Kira’s

Only a grinch could resist these chocolatecherries. Photo by Katharine Pollak | TheNibble.   To quote Al Jolson,* “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” John & Kira’s makes the best chocolate cherry bonbons. Even if you don’t think they’re better, they’re as good as the artisan chocolate cherries you currently enjoy. For example, we’re also quite…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Food Face Dinner Plate

It’s fun to play with your food. Photo courtesy WorldwideFred.com. If your kids won’t finish their food, at least let them play with it. Food face, available with a man’s or woman’s face, is a ceramic plate that gives children (or the child within) free reign to play with his or her food. The 8-1/2-inch…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Save On Champagne With A Different Sparkling Wine

Woodbridge Brut is creamy, yeasty and citrussy with a touch of sweetness that enables it to be paired with desserts as well as savory foods—including the Thanksgiving turkey. Photo courtesy Robert Mondavi.   Holiday celebrations often mean a bottle of bubbly, including Champagne, which is made only in the Champagne region of northeast France. Every…
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