February 22nd is George Washington’s birthday, so per convention, we’re bringing out the cherries*.
There are endless recipes for cherry pies, cakes, muffins, brownies and bars, even cookies.
But our focus today is on ice cream.
Alas, we are nowhere near fresh cherry season, so here are some easy-to-serve options that don’t require waiting—or turning on the oven.
You can find cherry-flavored products, or create your own, e.g., by mixing dried cherries into oatmeal or yogurt.
Cherry Cocktail (mix cherry soda with your favorite spirit, make a Manhattan or other drink with a maraschino cherry garnish
Cherry Cordial or Liqueur
Cherry Herbal Tea
Cherry Jam For Croissants & Toast
Cherry Juice
Cherry Mocktail: Shirley Temple Or Any Lemon/Lime Soft Drink Mixed With Cherry Juice, Cherry Smash (Club Soda Or Other Soda With Cherry Syrup)
Cherry Salsa With Tortilla Chips Or On Chicken Or Fish
Cherry Float (Ice Cream Soda) With Vanilla Or Cherry Vanilla
Cherry Soda, Regular Or Diet
Cherry Sundae With Canned Cherries, Cherry Cordial, Cherry Pie Filling, Cherry Syrup, Dried Cherries
Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Cone
Cherry Yogurt
Chocolate Covered Cherries
No Calories: Black Cherry Club Soda Or Still Water (e.g. Hint), Cherry Seltzer, Diet Cherry 7-Up, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, Dr. Brown’s Diet Cherry Soda
Trail Mix With Dried Cherries
These are only for starters. Think about what you can create with canned, dried, frozen and jarred cherries, until fresh ones arrive at the store.
[1] Make a cherry sundae with pie filling. You can also use it to top pancakes, waffles and yogurt (photo © Webstaurant Store).

[2] Premium cherry pie filling from Brownwood Farms. The company also makes cherry salsa. Get them from iGourmet (photo © iGourmet).