Other Uses For Brandy Snifters | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Other Uses For Brandy Snifters | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Use Snifters For Food

Brandy Snifter

Tuna Tartare In Snifter
Top: Brandy snifter from Crate and Barrel. Bottom: Tuna tartare served in a snifter at Vinkeles Restaurant in Amsterdam.

  When we saw this tuna tartare served in a brandy snifter (second photo), we were one-upped. For years, we’ve been using wine goblets, Martini glasses, espresso cups, tea cups and juice glasses to serve food. But it hadn’t occurred to us to drag out the least-used glassware we own: brandy snifters.

We dragged them from the back of closet, ran them through the dishwasher, and have been using them to serve amuses-bouche, sides, soups, desserts. Family and friends are delighted by the presentation.

If you own Belgian-style beer glasses, enlist them as well.

  • Anything runny
  • Bread pudding, custard, mousse, other puddings
  • DIY dessert garnishes—berries, chocolate chips or lentils, coconut, dried fruit, mini marshmallows
  • DIY savory garnishes—diced green onions, grated cheese, herbs, sliced jalapeños
  • DIY sliced onions (to spare the onion-averse)
  • Fruit salad or compote
  • Gazpacho or other chilled soup
  • Ice cream or sorbet
  • Individual servings of dips and condiments
  • Lemon or lime wedges
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Olives
  • Purées
  • Seafood salad, tartare
  • Shrimp cocktail
  • Yogurt parfaits
    Place a snifter on the kitchen counter to remind you of what you could serve in it. And let us know what works for you.
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