Ice Pop Cake: A Cake or Ice Cream Cake Plus Ice Pops! - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Ice Pop Cake: A Cake or Ice Cream Cake Plus Ice Pops!
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Ice Pop Cake: A Cake or Ice Cream Cake Plus Ice Pops!

According to Country Crock, more Americans have their birthdays in September, and September 16th has the most birthdays.

Whether or not you’re celebrating today, here’s a new take on ice cream cake from Country Crock: Add ice pops—sherbet or ice cream pops—around the perimeter of the cake.

Called Rockin’ Rainbow Cake, the recipe begins with your favorite frosted layer cake. Bake it or buy it.

  • After you frost the cake, garnish the top with multicolored sprinkles.
  • Just before serving, press single-stick ice pops vertically around outside of cake (photo #1). Cut so that each wedge has an ice pop.
  • Here’s the complete recipe.
    Ice Cream Cake Variation: Use the same concept. It makes even more sense!

  • We suggest that you unwrap all the ice pops first and place them on a wax paper-covered cookie sheet in the freezer until you’re ready to serve the cake.
  • Then, press them into the sides, bring the cake to the table and slice and serve real fast.
  • For an ice cream cake: Let the frozen cake soften on the counter for 5 or 10 minutes. Then press the pops into the perimeter of the cake and return it to the freezer.
    > Also check out the history of the Popsicle®.

    > More delicious ice pop recipes.

    > The different types of frozen desserts and treats.


    Birthday Cake With Ice Pops
    [1] A different approach to “ice cream cake” (photo courtesy Country Crock).

    3 Single-Stick Ice Pops
    [2] Chose ice pop colors that suit the occasion (Photo © Dmitriy K.P. | Panther Media).



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