GIFT OF THE DAY: Kids’ Cooking Set | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures GIFT OF THE DAY: Kids’ Cooking Set | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Kids’ Cooking Set

Help turn your favorite kid into a curious
chef. Photo courtesy

As the Chinese proverb so wisely states, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Hand a kid a meal and he never learns to cook. Teach a kid to cook and spare him from a lifetime of unhealthy take-out and salt-and-sugar-laden processed food.

Even preschool children can be given safe and simple tasks, learn the love of cooking and take pride that the whole family is eating “their” food.

It may take a small investment of time up-front to teach a kid how to stir seasonings [neatly] into a yogurt dip or tear lettuce into the right-size pieces. But you may end up with a teen who loves to cook the family dinner.

Start a young’un out with this kid-size cooking set from Curious Chefs. It includes 27 pieces the child can call his or her own:

  • Chef’s hat
  • Apron
  • Pair of oven mitts
  • 3-quart mixing bowl set
  • Kitchen timer
  • 6-piece measuring cup set
  • 6-piece measuring spoon set
  • Kitchen tool set: spoon, rolling pin, whisk, spatula, pastry brush, nylon turner, bear cookie cutter, flower cookie cutter and butterfly cookie cutter


The set is $59.99 at Other combinations of items are available.

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