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PRODUCT: Ice Cream Bonbons

As a kid, our favorite movie theater treat was not popcorn or Raisinets, but ice cream bonbons. We don’t remember the brand name, but that small rectangular box holding six little domes of ice cream covered in hard chocolate was as exciting as the movie itself.

Ice cream bonbons can be found at cinemas and stadiums, but have never made it big at retail. Around 1992, Nestlé launched a line in supermarkets, including, as our shaky memory recalls, a divine variety with Butterfinger-flavored ice cream.

Today, Dreyer’s is keeping America stocked with Dibs, chocolate-covered ice cream nuggets in Chocolate, Mint, Nestlé Crunch, Nestlé Drumstick and Vanilla. But the chocolate coating and the ice cream are so-so. They’re not so much of a treat.

There’s a far better bonbon in town.

Choco’s Bon Bons are made with premium ice cream and a thick coating of top-quality Callebaut chocolate. To make them even more of a delight, there’s a cookie crust that effectively turns each Choco into a bite of ice cream cake.

Satisfy your sweet tooth with Choco’s ice
cream bonbons. Photo by Katharine Pollak

Choco’s are sold at select retailers nationwide, including Costco, Cumberland Farms, Sam’s Club, Whole Foods Markets and Trader Joe’s (where they’re under the Trader Joe’s label).

So far, we’ve had the Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Vanilla varieties. Mint, Mocha Java and Strawberries & Cream are the other flavors in the line, and we can’t wait to try them.

Only 60 calories apiece, Choco’s are all natural—nothing artificial, no preservatives, no corn syrup, no trans fats. The ingredients are GMO– and rBST-free. They’re certified kosher by KOF-K.

A box of 12 pieces gives you almost a week’s worth of two-bonbons-a-night snacking. A box in the freezer means you’ll always have something special to serve to drop-by guests. And for a mini dessert after a big dinner party, guests will happily find room for a bonbon or two.

  • To find a Choco’s retailer near you, email or phone 1.760.297.1492. For more information, visit the company website.
  • Find more of our favorite ice cream product reviews, recipes and information.


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