TIP OF THE DAY: Choose Sourdough As Your White Bread
You’ve no doubt heard over and over again that you should switch empty-carb white bread for whole grain breads.
We love the complex flavor of whole grain breads—wheat, oat, rye, spelt and multigrain combinations. But what if you just can’t give up your white bread? According to Pick It Kick It: Simple Choices, Huge Results, sourdough is the champion of white breads. Like other white breads, sourdough bread is made with processed white flour, stripped of nutrients. But it contains beneficial lactic acid. The starter contains bacteria, lactobacilli, that create lactic acid. In turn, the lactic acid creates the slightly acidic signature flavor of sourdough. |
Crusty sourdough loaves. Photo courtesy |
And now the good news: The lactic acid breaks down the sugar content produced when the carbs break down, producing a lower-glycemic bread.
For a double hit, there are also sourdough breads made with whole wheat flour.