FREEBIE: Free Shipping From Rick’s Picks Artisan Pickles | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures FREEBIE: Free Shipping From Rick’s Picks Artisan Pickles | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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FREEBIE: Free Shipping From Rick’s Picks Artisan Pickles


Get free shipping through October 31 plus
a new Bloody Mary recipe. Photo courtesy

Our favorite pickle perfectionist, Rick’s Picks, is offering FREE SHIPPING in the contiguous U.S. (that’s the same as the Lower 48) through the end of the month, on orders of 4 jars or more. (It’s very easy to devour one jar at a sitting—they’re so divine and very low-calorie and healthy). You can pick four pickled peppers, or any of Rick’s fabulous Picks, for your own gourmandizing or for gifts, and can have them shipped now or later—just get the order in by October 31 to qualify.

Enter coupon code: octoberfree (all lower case) when you order at to get the free shipping. We love all the products, but go batty for the Phat Beets (the top seller), the Green Tomato Condiment (formerly called GT 1000s, curried green tomato pickles), Windy City Wasabeans in a soy-wasabi brine, Smokra (pickled okra seasoned with smoked paprika) and … heck, we may as well list everything.

Enjoy the screaming good Bloody Mary recipe below for Halloween, which features Rick’s Picks’ Mean Beans, a spicy dilly bean (cayenne joins the traditional dill and garlic seasoning). Low in calories—just 20 per 7-bean serving—the brine is used in the Bloody Mary, and you can toss fresh string beans from the store into the remaining brine to make new pickles. As with all of Rick’s Picks, there’s no hidden sugar.

Rick’s Picks Mean & Bloody

– 1 ounce vodka
– 3 ounces tomato juice (see our review of the best)
– 2 dashes Worcestershire
– 1/2 teaspoon prepared horseradish
– 2 dashes Tabasco or to taste
– A dash of freshly-ground pepper
– 1 quarter lemon, squeezed
– Generous splash of Mean Beans brine (try other dilly bean or pickle brine if you don’t have Mean Beans—but it won’t be as good!)
– Mean Beans to garnish

1. Combine ingredients. Shake or stir.
2. Pour over ice. Garnish and serve.
3. Have extra Mean Beans on hand for demanding guests.

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