TIP OF THE DAY: Cream Cheese Tasting | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Cream Cheese Tasting | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cream Cheese Tasting

Cheese lovers spend time deciding which Cheddar or chèvre they like best, but never think to compare cream cheeses. There can be a noticeable difference in flavor—not only among mass brands, but with organic and artisan brands, too. The next time you’re planning to have friends over for bagels, get one of each brand. Cut off a small slice of each brick and taste it plain, noting the differences. Some are sweeter, some are saltier, some are gummier, some taste fresher and more natural. Just as you prefer the bagels from Store X to the ones from Store Y, you’ll also find your favorite cream cheese. It will make a difference in your cheesecake recipe, too.

  • What’s the origin of cream cheese, and why did Philadelphia brand get its name, given that it was created in New York? Find out in our Cheese Glossary.


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