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Product: Dale & Thomas Chocolate Popcorn … & Grammar


Another great popcorn flavor from


If you’re looking for an inspired gift to send to your favorite camper, hostess or celebrant, we can recommend the new Dark Fudge Caramel N’ Almonds flavor from Dale & Thomas. We’re still equally fond of the other chocolate-drizzled flavors, including Chocolate Chunk N’ Caramel, Chocolate & Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter & White Chocolate, Toffee Crunch and Twice-As-Nice Chocolate (dark and white chocolate). A gift box filled with six large bags is $39.95, in your choice of a single flavor or one bag of each of the six flavors (highly recommended!). Dale & Thomas sweet popcorn is not overly sweet (that is to say, it’s welcomed by the sophisticated palate), and is elegant enough that it can become a light dessert, by itself or sprinkled atop vanilla or chocolate ice cream.

All Dale & Thomas popcorn flavors are certified kosher OU-D and are gluten free.

And now, some editorializing from our editor:

  • Dark Fudge Caramel N’ Almonds. The colloquial ‘n’ is the written version of a verbal convention of dropped consonants in the word “and”: peaches ‘n’ cream, sugar ‘n’ spice, rock ‘n’ roll. Apostrophes take the place of the dropped letters; when only one letter is dropped, only one apostrophe is needed (e.g., smokin’). Over time, people have erroneously chosen to drop one or the other apostrophe; now, heaven knows, anything goes. It’s amazing to us that none of the rulebooks on grammar—which tend to be so rigid on the most minute points—address the varied uses of ‘n versus n’ versus the technically correct ‘n’. The American Heritage Dictionary, a great arbiter, accepts ‘n’ and ‘n but not n’—take note, Dale & Thomas. Oh well…while it can be confusing to the eye, it’s not as egregious as the rather sudden eradication of the personal pronoun “who,” on the part of many American speakers (we hesitate to say English speakers). Have you noticed that we’re now all objects: the woman that came here yesterday, the people that voted for Al Franken? What’s up with that?
  • Decadent. The word “decadence” was used in the Dale & Thomas promotion material to describe Dark Fudge Caramel N’ Almonds popcorn: “…bathed in waves of the warm toasty sugar and buttery decadence that we call Dale’s golden caramel.” Forgive the copywriter; hopefully (s)he will learn. Far larger companies than D&T blast the word “decadent” over the airwaves and in print ads, leading to its use by too many individuals. Ladies and gents, go to or the word resource of your choice and look it up: “decadent” does not in any way refer to food. The word such people are looking for is luxurious, indulgent or something else, but not decadent. Decadent food does not exist, and if it did, you wouldn’t want to eat it. Even if it meant what people erroneously think it means—sumptuous, over-the-top, rich and luxurious—how can you refer to Diet Dr. Pepper as “decadent?” Editors around the world are ROTFL over that one.
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