FOOD HOLIDAY: It’s National Blonde Brownie Day | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures FOOD HOLIDAY: It’s National Blonde Brownie Day | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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FOOD HOLIDAY: It’s National Blonde Brownie Day

It’s National Blonde Brownie Day—the blonde brownie is also known as the blondie. Celebrate with your favorite blondie, or send someone a gift of one of our favorites, from Sugardaddy’s Sumptuous Sweeties, a brownie company that makes a variety of blondies (they’re round, to boot!). The Cinnamon Blondie, shown in the photo, has a streusel topping—it’s a combination blondie and coffee cake. Can’t beat that! The Nutty Blondie, another favorite, combines sweet and salty with a topping of salty almonds, cashews and pecans. Strawberry Blonde is a peanut butter blondie with a strawberry swirl—PB&J in a blondie. And Tahiti, one of the best sellers, is a blondie topped with toasted coconut, cashews and dark chocolate chunks, with white chocolate morsels inside the blondie. All four are winners. Read our full review of Sugardaddy’s Sumptuous Sweeties, in the Cookies & Brownies Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.   Blondie
Sugardaddy’s Cinnamon Blondie—a blondie with a coffee cake topping.
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