APPLIANCE: Cuzen Matcha Maker For Easy Matcha Tea

[1] Enjoy a cup of matcha effortlessly, with Cuzen Matcha (photos #1 to #5 © Cuzen Matcha). [2] You can turn the whisked matcha into a hot or iced latte. [3] The ground matcha leaves drop into a cup of hot water, where they are whisked into a froth with a magnetic whisk. [4] Dried…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Matcha ~ Things To Do With Matcha Tea

Matcha green tea is used in the Japanese tea ceremony. The tender, shade-grown leaves, known as tencha, are stone-ground to a fine powder (here’s a kit to make your own). Whisked into a bowl of hot water, it produces a bright, grassy brew. But Americans are more familiar with green tea ice cream is made…
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PRODUCT: Matcha Tea

Matcha, the tea revered in the ancient Japanese tea ceremony (cha no yu), was brought from China to Japan by Zen Buddhist monks in the 12th century. Unlike other green teas, matcha is made from leaves that are shielded from direct sunlight. The tea plant is covered with reed screens three weeks before harvest, resulting…
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