TIP OF THE DAY: Freezing Cheeses

Buy eat, eat it, freeze the leftovers. Photo courtesy iGourmet.com. Common belief is that you shouldn’t freeze cheese. Freezing can change the texture, making many cheeses grainy or crumbly. That’s because of the water content of cheese. It turns to ice and breaks apart the curds. But you definitely can freeze cheese. If the choice…
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PRODUCT: Rouge et Noir Champion Cheeses

In 1865, Abraham Lincoln was president and San Francisco was known as Yerba Buena. Since 1865, artisans have been making Brie, Camembert and other cheeses at Marin French Cheese Company, in the rolling hills of Petaluma, California (north of San Francisco in Marin County and just south of Sonoma County). In the old days, the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Eat The Bloomy Rind

Eat the rind! Photo of Brie courtesy Whole Foods Markets. White rinds on cheese—called bloomy rinds—are meant to be eaten. If you’ve been cutting them away, try them. Connoisseurs consider the rind part of the unique character of the cheese. The bloomy rind category of cheese refers to those cheeses with snowy white, downy rinds…
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