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PRODUCT: Fun With Cherimoya Fruit

What’s a cherimoya?

The heart-shaped subtropical fruit seems exotic because, depending on where you live, you may not come across it often. But seek it out: The tasty blend of mango, pineapple and strawberry flavors is worth it.

Believed to have originated in the Andes Mountains, the name originates from the Quechua (Inca) word chirimuya, meaning “cold seeds” (because the seeds germinate at high altitudes). It grows as a shrub or tree.

The pale green, shingled skin must be handled with care to avoid bruising. The ivory-colored flesh is creamy (similar to a ripe peach). Choose fruit that is firm and allow it to ripen at room temperature. As it ripens, the skin will turn a darker green and will yield to gentle pressure. Refrigerate soft fruit and use as soon as possible for best flavor.

A ripe, creamy cherimoya. Photo

To enjoy a cherimoya, all you need is a spoon. Cut the fruit in half or into wedges and spoon out flesh, discarding the seeds. The creamy, sweet flesh has earned cherimoya the nicknames ice cream fruit, sherbet fruit and custard apple.

It’s easy to add tropical flair by including Cherimoya in desserts, fruit drinks and salads. Try these recipes for starters:

  • Cherimoya Crème Brûlée
  • Cherimoya Fruit Salad
  • Cherimoya Meringue
  • Cherimoya Smoothie
  • Strawberry-Cherimoya Smoothie
  • Spicy Tropical Fruit Salsa

    One cup of cherimoya fruit has about 115 calories (11 ounces have about 300 calories). According to, it has this impressive nutrition profile:

  • 29% DV of fiber
  • 10% DV of manganese
  • 24% DV of potassium
  • 10% DV of protein
  • 20% DV of vitamin B1/thiamin
  • 24% DV of vitamin B2/riboflavin
  • 39% DV of vitamin B6
  • 28% DV of vitamin B9/folate
  • 60% DV of vitamin C

    If you can’t find cherimoya fruit locally, you can order it online from

    More of our favorite fruits.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: 20 Ways To Enjoy Almonds

    Almonds: delicious and good for you. Photo
    courtesy National Almond Board.

    February 16th is National Almond Day.

    Almonds have long been known to have heart healthy benefits* (more about them below). Healthcare professionals recommend them for snacks, as substitutes for other foods, and even for breakfast.

    Fans of The Devil Wears Prada may recall one of the model-like magazine staffers counting out seven almonds for breakfast. You can actually have 25-30 shelled whole almonds each day.

    And you can enjoy almond nutrition in different forms, such as almond butter, almond meal (almond flour), almond milk and almond paste.

    *From the FDA: “Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”



    Our 20 tips don’t include recipes, but you can find plenty of almond recipes at


  • In cold or hot cereal, scattered over waffles or pancakes.
  • In yogurt (use fat-free Greek yogurt and a non-caloric sweetener; you can even add a teaspoon of cocoa).
  • Slivered with diced fruit in a cottage cheese parfait.
  • Slivered on a [whole wheat] bagel with cream cheese (almonds add protein to the carbs and fat).

  • Chopped or slivered in salads—green salad, cole slaw, macaroni or potato salad, tabbouleh, egg, chicken and tuna salad, you name it.
  • Slivered or chopped as a soup garnish.
  • Slivered on a sandwich, for flavor and texture. (We love wasabi almonds with grilled cheese, and buy several bags at a time at Trader Joe’s. Here’s a recipe to make your own.)


    Raw or roasted, plain, glazed or flavored, almonds are great snacking. The USDA has declared them heart-healthy, and the daily allotment per the FDA is 1.5 ounces, about 25 almonds depending on size.

    One ounce will fill a 1/4 cup measure, and you can actually purchase an attractive tin that holds exactly that many ($1.87—or recycle a mint tin to hold almonds). The tin fits easily in your pocket for grab-and-go. Give them, filled with almonds, as a nutritious gift.

    Enjoy almonds as:

  • As grab-and-go snacks. (you can mix in some chocolate bits or season with your favorite herbs and spices).
  • Instead of candy. Glaze them with some sugar.
  • Ground up in the food processor, and mixed with nonfat yogurt, cumin, cayenne, garlic salt and pepper for a protein-packed dip with crudités.
  • Instant oatmeal with an almond topping.
    Broiled fish with almond-cilantro salsa. Recipe. Photo courtesy National Almond Board.

  • In stir frys.
  • Chopped into a crust for chicken and fish.
  • Add to grains—crunchy rice pilaf, quinoa and other favorites.
  • On pasta.
  • As a garnish: raw, toasted or in a salsa (see the fish photo for recipe link).

  • On ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • In puddings (chocolate pudding with almonds is a favorite).
  • In baked goods (we love almond macaroons and almond pie crusts).
  • As a healthy dessert: mix almonds with fresh berries, sliced banana or other fruit; use some light yogurt as a topping or sweeten some Greek yogurt).

    Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium and manganese and a good source of fiber, copper, phosphorous and riboflavin. When compared ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin: a petite package with a powerful punch.

    A one-ounce serving has 13 grams of good unsaturated fats, just 1 gram of saturated fat, and is cholesterol-free. Unsaturated fat is the “good fat” that your body needs, and that may help lower low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol). You can find the studies here.

    One ounce of almonds (about 20 to 24 shelled whole almonds) provides 35% of your daily value for vitamin E, an antioxidant that may help promote healthy aging (a study reported in the Journal of the American Association [June 26, 2002] suggests a diet rich in foods containing vitamin E may help protect some people against Alzheimer’s disease).

    So Happy National Almond Day. Enjoy them guilt-free.


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    POST-VALENTINE’S DAY CONTEST: Second Chance For Happiness

    You could take the cake: Just enter the
    contest. Photo courtesy Pepperidge

      Whether or not you had a happy Valentine’s Day, here’s a second chance for happiness:

    Pepperidge Farm is celebrating its new newest 3-Layer Cake, Red Velvet.

    One NIBBLE reader will receive a ”Second Celebration Kit” consisting of:

  • A cake serving set
  • A square cake platter
  • Coupons for three of Pepperidge Farm’s new Red Velvet 3-Layer Cakes
    Enter here by 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, February 17th. The winner will be contacted at the end of the day.


    Take a look at our delicious Cake Glossary.



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    TIP OF THE DAY: Frothing Milk At Home

    Today’s tip comes from chef Johnny Gnall, who has discovered the joys of frothing milk at home. There’s no need to head to your favorite coffee bar when you can make frothy cappuccinos and lattes in your own kitchen.

    “I made a recent purchase that has changed the way I start the day,” says Chef Johnny. “It has turned my regular morning coffee into a genuine treat, making each cup feel and taste like it was served to me in a chic cafe, perhaps in Rome or Florence. It’s the Capresso frothPro Milk Foamer.

    “It couldn’t be easier to use. Simply fill the metal receptacle with milk, press a button (in addition to steamed milk or foam, you can choose cold, warm or hot, including cold foam for iced cappuccino) and watch as ordinary milk is whipped to steaming, frothy pulchritude—in less than a minute! Lowfat or nonfat milk foams the best: The fat in the milk weighs down the potential fluffiness.

    Little appliance, big foam. Photo courtesy
    “If you’re not a fan of foam, you can simply heat your milk to the temperature of your choosing. Warm or hot milk keeps the coffee warmer for longer. You can add foam to hot chocolate, too, or simply enjoy a glass of ’latte milk.’

    But there’s more than frothy, steamed milk to a gourmet espresso drink (see the different types of espresso drinks).

    “To make authentic frothed coffee drinks, you need espresso, not regular coffee. If there’s no coffee bean specialty shop near you, you can buy good-quality espresso, whole or ground, at most grocery stores.

    “To make the espresso, I suggest using a moka pot, a classic stovetop espresso maker like this one from Bialetti. Yes, it’s another appliance, but it’s small, inexpensive (under $25.00), easy to use and should last you a lifetime. If you are lucky enough to have the expensive countertop barista-style espresso machines, more power to you.

    “Now that you have a few shots of espresso and a cup of foamed milk, you’re ready to construct your drink. But what to make? And how?

    “Many coffee drinkers know their go-to drink and just how they like it; but if you have the tools at your disposal, why not branch out? Here’s a list of the most popular espresso drinks and how to make them. If you try each one, you may have a few new drinks in your morning repertoire that will make it that much easier to rise and shine.”


    Make lovely lattes at home. Photo by Christian Kitazume | SXC.


    Espresso: This is the starting point for pretty much any gourmet coffee drink (and never spelled “expresso,” an unfortunate American error). It is stripped down, basic, strong and really quite wonderful on its own if you have fine espresso beans. It also gives you a chance to really appreciate the texture and flavor of espresso. Enjoy a quick shot down the hatch to get those eyes open, or sit and sip it leisurely on a weekend morning.

    Caffé Americano: This is basically an espresso dumbed down. I am convinced that the name was coined to make fun of Americans who cannot handle the bitter, often intense flavor of espresso. To make it, simply start with a shot or two of espresso and dilute with boiling hot water. You can go with a 1:1 ratio of espresso to water, or start with a shot and fill your cup the rest of the way with water. However you like it, you probably don’t want to be caught ordering one of these in Italy.

    Caffé Latte: This may be the easiest to start with if you are just breaking into espresso drinks. Start with a shot of espresso, fill the remaining space in the cup with delicious, soothing, steamed milk, and top it off with a touch of foam. The espresso flavor is there, but in a latte it exists in the background, somewhat muted by the abundance of milk. It’s a great beverage for someone who’s not into super-strong coffee.

    Cafe au Lait: This is, essentially, a French-style latte and another very accessible drink for those who don’t want intense espresso flavor. In fact, it isn’t an espresso drink at all; it’s made with regular, albeit strong French-style, coffee. Simply pour half a cup of extra-strong coffee and finish filling the cup with steamed milk. Foam isn’t traditionally found on a Cafe au Lait, but no one will report you if you add some.

    Caffé Mocha: This is the espresso drink for chocolate lovers. Start by covering the bottom of the cup with some quality chocolate syrup (being a resident of San Francisco, I like Ghirardelli). Then add a shot or two of espresso, stir a few times, and fill the rest of the way with steamed milk. If you’re not worried about calories, you can finish with the traditional whipped cream. If you make it correctly, however, the whipped cream isn’t necessary.

    Cappuccino: This is the drink for which you really need the foam. The traditional cup size is 6 ounces only; but hey, it’s your coffee, so use as large a cup as you’d like. What you’re going for is a 1:1:1 ratio of espresso, steamed milk and foam, poured in that order. This beverage showcases a balance of its ingredients and definitely has the greatest range of textures and flavors, from earthy to ephemeral.

    Macchiatto: From the Italian word for “marked,” this drink is mostly about the espresso, with just a tiny “marking” of foam and/or milk. To make it correctly, you should use a demitasse cup: Pour a shot of espresso, then add just enough foam to cover it. You can definitely use some of the milk itself (as opposed to just foam), and how much depends on your preference. However, this drink should really be all about the espresso with a complement of milk/foam. It’s the go-to espresso drink for coffee geeks and espresso enthusiasts.

    For less than $60.00, the Capresso frothPro is a worthy addition to the kitchen and a great gift. Get yours.


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    VALENTINE’S DAY: Toast With Taittinger Champagne

    If you’re headed to the wine shop to buy Champagne, there are a lot of choices. Where should you start?

    Take a look at Taittinger. It’s a universal favorite, described by one prominent wine reviewer as “the essence of Champagne.” One of our friends, a wine writer who could have chosen anything, served it at his wedding.

    Don’t purchase a vintage year Champagne.* Vintage champagnes typically need to be laid down for 15 or 20 years to reveal their glorious nuances. Knowledgeable people who buy them don’t plan to drink them anytime soon.

    Instead, look for a nonvintage Champagne, such as Taittinger Brut La Française. A nonvintage Champagne is a blend of wines from different years (see footnote).

    *Vintage Champagne is a blend of wines from that one particular year indicated on the label, when the quality of the harvest, measured by the sweetness of the grapes, meets the requirements to declare a “vintage.” True vintage years may happen three or four times a decade, or fewer. Because vintage Champagne commands a significantly higher price, some Champagne houses declare a “vintage” in a year when others do not feel the quality of the harvest merits it. This doesn’t imply that nonvintage Champagnes are inferior; in fact, in a lean year, wines from richer vintages are mixed together to create the house’s “perfect” recipe.

    Elegant and crisp, a perfect Champagne style. Photo courtesy Taittinger.
    With a nonvintage Champagne, the different barrels of wine are assembled by the winemaker into a “perfect recipe,” known as the house style (le style de la maison): a consistent taste from year to year. And it’s a value: about $45.00 for Taittinger Brut La Française, compared with $80.00 for the 2004 vintage Taittinger Brut Millesime—which, as noted, is far too young to drink right now. (If your idea of a value is $10, you can find a nice sparkling wine, but it won’t be Champagne.)

    Taittinger Brut La Française is made from 40% Chardonnay and 60% Pinot Noir grapes. Crisp, creamy and complex, it has notes of citrus, green apple and the characteristic Champagne toastiness.

    The best rose for Valentine’s Day: Rosé Champagne. We love rosé Champagnes, which acquire their natural rosy color from contact with red grape skins. Taittinger Brut Prestige Rosé is a beauty, with the greater roundness that rosés have, compared with traditional Brut Champagnes. It’s priced in between the nonvintage and vintage Taittingers, around $65.00. It’s hard to find, so if you see a bottle, pounce on it. It’s a memorable Champagne for a special occasion.

    If you want Champagne with dessert, head for Taittinger Nocturne, a sec† Champagne that is vinified for sweeter foods. Taittinger Nocturne has twice the dosage (sugar added after the second fermentation) of the brut Champagne. Brut Champagnes are not vinified to pair with desserts, and will seem too astringent if you drink them with sweeter foods. Instead, those in the know drink sec and demi-sec Champagnes. Sec Champagnes also go well with foods that typically pair with sweeter wines, such as foie gras, lobster and double-creme/triple creme cheeses (our idea of a perfect meal). The nose evokes peaches, apricot and yeastiness (as with toast, a characteristic of Champagne). As with its brut brother, there’s crisp acidity and rich mouthfeel, tropical fruit and minerality. Trust us, it’s romantic.

    Whatever is in your glass, have a delicious Valentine’s Day.
    †While sec means “dry” in French, as it refers to Champagne, it indicates sweetness.

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