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TIP OF THE DAY: Summer Fruits & Vegetables, Part 2

Yesterday, chef Johnny Gnall highlighted new ways to serve seasonal produce. Today he discusses five more fruits and vegetables, bursting with flavor and waiting for you to pick up a pound or two. If you have questions or suggestions for tips, email Chef Johnny.


Some people can get weird about okra, and with good reason. If cooked improperly (which, it appears, is quite often), it can get slimy. No one over the age of five wants to eat slime, so okra tends to get avoided or neglected.

This is a shame, as it good okra is…very good, and also quite nutritious. My favorite way to eat okra is to pickle it. Simply combine equal parts vinegar (any kind works but I like champagne vinegar or apple cider vinegar), water and sugar, in enough quantity to cover the okra in a deep pot.

  • Bring the liquid to a boil, dissolving the sugar; then turn off the heat and add the okra to the pot.
    Pickled okra. Photo courtesy
  • If necessary, place a bowl on top to keep the okra submerged.
  • Keep the pickled okra in the fridge in a tightly-capped container; it will last for months.
  • This is the most simple of pickling recipes: You can put anything you want into the pickling liquid, from herbs to dried chilies to fruit. Add your favorite flavors to your pickling brine and turn okra into a food you enjoy regularly.
    Serve pickled okra on a relish tray, as a garnish for sandwiches and burgers, and anyplace you’d enjoy pickles.

    Big, juicy peppers are at their sweetest and most flavorful at summer’s peak. The simplest, most delicious way to prepare peppers is to grill them, which couldn’t be easier during barbecue season.

  • Rub peppers with a little oil and throw them anywhere on the grill, turning them regularly to achieve even charring. Once charred, they’re ready to eat and will still have some crunch.
  • If you prefer softer peppers, place them in a bowl wrapped tightly with plastic wrap as soon as you take them off the heat: They will steam themselves to softness in five to ten minutes.
  • You can scrape off the outer skin if you’d like to add the peppers to another dish, like a salad. Otherwise, leave it on for texture and smoky flavor.
  • To take things to the next level, stuff the peppers with anything from seasoned ground beef to goat cheese to ratatouille or bean salad. To ensure food safety, take care to pre-cook proteins; they will reheat inside the peppers. If you find your peppers splitting or bursting, you may want to cut back on your filling, or wrap them in aluminum foil for extra security.

    Stone fruits are in their glory: raw, grilled or puréed into vinaigrettes. Nectarine photo courtesy

    Tender and prepared simply, summer squash—yellow squash and zucchini—is indubitably one of my favorite summer produce items. Its versatility is a big part of its appeal: You can roast it, sauté it, blanch it, braise it stew it, grill it, broil it, sear it…and of course, enjoy it raw in salads, as crudités or a garnish—matchsticks atop a chop or filet, for example.

    Summer squash is well complemented by virtually every herb, spice, sauce and starch in the fridge or pantry. There is very little it won’t pair with, from richer proteins like lamb and steak to more delicate ones like poultry and fish. I find that the easiest way to match summer squash to a protein is in how thick you cut it.

  • With a ribeye, for example, I like to cut zucchini into obliques or wedges and sear them, al dente.
  • With fish, I shave the squash thin on the mandolin.
  • In fact, if you slice summer squash thin enough, you don’t even need to cook it. Just marinate your slices in a solution with an acid, like a simple lime juice vinaigrette, for ten to fifteen minutes.
    Serve it up spicy, sweet, or savory; summer squash stands up and delivers, and it couldn’t be simpler.

    If you shop farmers markets in the summertime, you’ve probably tasted some pretty insane tomatoes. They’re one of those foods that tend to literally burst in your mouth with flavor and texture when you bite into them. Their flavors can range from sugary sweet to puckeringly tart, or hit any note in between.

    When they’re at their best, and you’re lucky enough to find some well cared for heirloom varietals, the dazzling colors and patterns on the surface of their skin can be mesmerizing. But we’ve all had captivating caprese salads and bodacious BLTs; we know what the tomato can do… right? Well don’t get tomato jaded just yet.

    For your next summer cocktail party, how about serving up some homemade heirloom tomato Bloody Mary martinis?

  • Start by making your own heirloom tomato “water” by puréeing half a dozen tomatoes in the blender and hanging the mixture in cheesecloth over a large bowl, refrigerated, overnight.
  • The next day, heat the liquid to a very low simmer and add whatever you’d like as far as herbs and flavorings. Keep it subtle and be sparing, as you want the tomato flavor to be what shines through.
  • That being said, try throwing in some mint, thyme or sage, and/or some black peppercorns and horseradish root. A drop or two of Worcestershire also wouldn’t hurt.
  • Steep for an hour or so, seasoning slightly but noticeably with kosher salt; then strain and chill.
  • Mix 3 parts chilled tomato water with 2 parts chilled vodka and serve.
  • Garnishes can also keep things fun: a bit of microplaned horseradish or a tiny drop of Worcestershire, a few celery ribbons, a celery stick or fennel stick, a pearl onion, a gherkin or a traditional olive on a cocktail pick.

    I have saved the best for last. There is absolutely nothing quite like a perfectly ripe and ridiculously juicy stone fruit, be it apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum, plumcot or pluot.

    Sometimes I feel that I could eat them without stopping: I imagine a never-ending bushel of rosy peaches sitting in a sunny field of clover, reaching in for another and another, taking no heed of the nectar spilling down my cheeks. It’s pure bliss on your taste buds, and it only comes around for a few months a year.

  • Such perfection, I believe, should not be messed with; I like to eat stone fruit raw whenever possible.
  • Grilled fruit is also delicious; peaches and nectarines are exquisite. Halve and cook them just long enough to mark them. The sweetness comes out with the heat and the earthy char in the markings complements it in the background.
  • Another great way to take advantage of stone fruits is to purée them and turn them into emulsified vinaigrettes (recipe). Purée the fruit with a bit of hot water, just enough to get things spinning smoothly. Then add the acid and seasonings, and finish with oil as you would a conventional vinaigrette. Bright flavors from a dressing like this work for salads and also as meat marinades: Think pork chops!

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    TIP OF THE DAY: July & August Fruits, Part 1

    Chef Johnny Gnall is luxuriating in summer produce. Today he shares new ways to use old favorites. If you have questions or suggestions for tips, email Chef Johnny.

    In case the massive heat wave didn’t clue you in, summer is at full force right now. If you don’t enjoy the heat, you can still take joy in the bounty of seasonal produce. From the sweet nectar of stone fruits to the spectacular reds, yellows, oranges and greens of heirloom tomatoes, summer means something extra-special to food lovers.

    If you’re not sure what is at its very best, take a look at the list below for the must-grab fruits and vegetables, as well as a couple of fresh ideas for serving them. Whether you get them at your corner grocery or a destination farmers market, these foods are at their tastiest and most inexpensive in July and August. So stock up and stuff yourself until you can eat no more; this sun-soaked bounty won’t be around forever!

    Add berries to savory dishes, like roast meats. Photo courtesy

    Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries…the berry bounty is extensive in the summer months. While they are superb in jams, pies or parfaits, berries like to dip their toes into the savory side of cooking as well.

  • Salads. Pair them in salads with pecans or walnuts and creamy cheeses like brie or chèvre.
  • Rubs. Blend them with herbs and spices to make a wet rub for meats. A liberal sprinkling of sea salt on an rosemary and blackberry rubbed roast lamb loin right out of the oven is the perfect touch for a sweet and summery take on juicy, succulent lamb.
  • Bonus: Low in calories, high in antioxidants. (More about antioxidant-rich foods.)

    Summer melons are one of those foods so perfect that you really don’t want to do much to mask their flavor. But you can, literally, spice things up:

  • Spice. Go to your pantry and grab an armful of your favorite spices, then cut up a couple of melons. Bet you didn’t realize a tiny dash of cayenne could make watermelon so exciting; or that a bit of ground cardamom rubbed on a slice of honeydew could taste like actual ambrosia.
  • Fun. Have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Sure, there will be some misses the more you experiment, but it’s all about finding something you haven’t tried before. I personally love chili powder and lime on watermelon; it’s a popular street food in Mexico. Using lime zest in addition to juice adds a subtle, classy nuance.
  • Bonus: Low in calories; watermelon is higher in the phytochemical lycopene (a plant-based antioxidant) than tomatoes!

    Arguably the most popular of all the summer treats, you can’t help but devour a sweet, juicy cob, typewriter-style, paying no heed to flying kernels and buttery cheeks!

    For your next barbeque, set up a DIY corn on the cob bar for your guests. Start with husked ears stacked on a platter, a roll of aluminum foil and a bowl of melted butter with a small pastry brush.

  • Wrap the ears in foil and position them near the edge of the coals (but not completely off them), turning regularly for 15 minutes.
  • Pull everything you can out of the fridge and pantry, from herbs to spices to fruit preserves to anchovies—literally anything! Then people can give their corn a brush of butter and go crazy, rubbing and sprinkling to their hearts’ content.
  • Wrap the ears in foil and position them near the edge of the coals (but not completely off them), turning regularly for 15 minutes. Eat heedlessly, but have plenty of paper towels and wet-naps on hand.

    Assorted eggplants. Photo by Alistair
    Williamson | SXC.

    Here’s my absolute favorite way to prepare eggplant. If seasoned just right it can end up almost tasting like pork belly in its umami, as well as its texture: crispy outside, buttery and tender inside.

  • Dice. Start by cutting your eggplant into 1″-2″ dice and tossing them in a bowl with a few generous pinches of salt. Lay them out on paper towels for fifteen minutes to drain.
  • Sauté. Next, get a sauté pan as hot as possible and add enough canola or rice bran oil to cover the surface. Drop the eggplant dice into the pan; they should sizzle loudly as soon as they hit.
  • Cook. Cook on medium high heat until golden brown, two to three minutes or so, then toss.
  • Repeat this process until the dice are golden brown on all sides. You may have to add oil as you go to keep things cooking evenly; just don’t add so much that all of the dice are sitting in oil or the eggplant will get soggy.
  • If you want to be meticulous, and you’re quick enough, you can go in with a fork or spoon and turn pieces individually to ensure totally even cooking.
  • When all sides are golden brown, lay out one more time to drain excess oil on paper towels for a moment and season with a couple pinches of salt. Then toss in a bowl with some hoisin sauce and serve with fluffy white rice, garnished with sliced green onions.
    Bonus: “vegan pork belly,” cholesterol-free.

    Tomorrow: Part 2: four more delicious ideas.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Enjoy Raw Corn Plain Or In A Recipe

    Many vegetables are enjoyed raw, so why not corn?

    Like broccoli, carrots, green beans and zucchini, fresh corn—eaten on the cob or sliced off it—is delicious. When we get home from the farmers market with our fresh-picked corn, we husk and enjoy an ear on the spot.

    No butter or salt is needed—in fact, the unadorned sweetness of the fresh corn is a-maizing. As a side for dinner, toss the raw kernels with bit of fine olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. It needs no further garnishing, but you can add some grated Parmesan or cracked pepper.

    There are other ways to enjoy the raw, tender kernels in a recipe:

  • In salads
  • In pastas (try Pasta Primavera with corn, broccoli, summer squash and an olive oil sauce)
  • As a soup garnish
  • In pancakes
  • On plain yogurt

    Take a bite: There’s no need to cook! Photo by Zeeshan Qureshi | SXC.

  • In sauces (you can also grate the corn)
  • In salsa and relish (add some black beans to the salsa for even more punch)
  • In classic recipes such as corn chowder, corn fritters, corn muffins, corn pudding and corn soufflé

    Each ear of corn (10 to 14 oz.) will yield about 1 cup of corn kernels.

    Here’s a video showing an easy way to remove the kernels from the cob.


    To eat raw corn from the cob, it needs to be fresh and sweet. The moment it’s picked, the sugars in corn begin to convert to starch. Two days later, the corn can taste starchy rather than sweet.

    It’s easy to tell if the corn is fresh by looking at the silk tassel. It should be a light, whitish color. As the corn ages, the silk turns brown. The corn can still be good as long as the tassel is not dried out.

    If the tassel has been removed, don’t buy the corn. It means the silk dried out and the corn is too old.

    If your mother taught you to peel back the husk before buying the corn, forget it! All it does is dry out the corn. If the tassel and husk look fresh, there’s nothing to see. If a few kernels are missing from the top of the cob, it means nothing. Don’t husk corn until you’re ready to use it.

    Eat corn the day you buy it. Keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to eat raw or cook.

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    COOKING VIDEO: How To Remove Corn From The Cob


    It’s easy to remove corn kernels from the cob with a sharp chef’s knife.

    But if you use a tube pan or bundt pan to anchor the ear, it’s even easier.

    You’ll find the technique in the video below so useful, we bet you’ll be making corn salad or fresh corn salsa through the end of corn season. Start with this delicious recipe…and one more tip: To remove the silk from the corn, just use a wet paper towel.


    Make lots—you’ll love it! Beyond a chip dip, this salsa is delicious with grilled fish and poultry. It also couldn’t be easier: Just dice and mix. That’s it. This recipe makes about 3 cups; 4 cups if beans are added.


  • 2 cups fresh corn kernels
  • 1/3 cup chopped red onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped jalapeño
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Optional: 1 cup black beans (you can used canned)


    1. Combine all ingredients.

    2. You can serve immediately, but the flavors will come together if you let it sit for a few hours (cover and refrigerate).



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    TIP OF THE DAY: Enjoy A Watermelon Salad With Feta, Goat Cheese Or Mozzarella

    Watermelon salad is so delicious and easy, we wonder why we never see it on restaurant menus. We eat it daily during the hot weather. The watermelon is so juicy and hydrating, we can’t get enough of it.

    We adapted this recipe from Mozzarella Company, one of the greatest American cheese makers and a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. They use their delectable mozzarella. But feta or fresh goat cheese are equally delicious—even more so to those who like tangy cheese.

    Enjoy it as a light luncheon salad or as a first course at dinner.


  • 2-1/2 to 3 cups cubed watermelon pieces, cut into about 1″ cubes
  • 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 cups cubed ripe yellow tomatoes, cut into about 1/2″ cubes, or substitute yellow cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 pound fresh mozzarella cut into 1/2″ cubes
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 6 large mint leaves, cut into a chiffonade, divided
  • 8 large basil leaves, cut into a chiffonade, divided
  • Optional garnish: pine nuts or pistachios
    A delicious watermelon and feta salad with basil, mint and pistachio nuts. Photo by Lulu Durand | IST.

    1. Toss the watermelon, tomatoes, mozzarella, salt, pepper, olive oil and half of each of the mint and basil leaves together.

    2. Top with the remaining mint and basil leaves.

    3. Makes 4 servings. Consider making a double batch—you’ll be wanting more!

    You can add layers of sophistication to this already-yummy salad by adding any of the following ingredients:

  • Arugula or watercress
  • Cantaloupe and/or honeydew
  • Cucumber
  • Goat cheese or mozzarella
  • Kalamata or other black olives
  • Microgreens
  • Pistachios or other nuts
  • Red onion, green onion or chive
    >The history of watermelon plus more watermelon recipes.

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