TRENDS: Humane-Certified Meat & Poultry

If you’re passionate about animal care, ask your grocer to stock these products. Ten billion farm animals are raised for food each year in the United States. You know that USDA-certified organic meat sets certain standards for animal welfare: The animals have daily access to pasture or other free-range grazing and eat organic-certified feed. If…
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TRENDS: You Scream, I Scream…For Gelato

We recently spent a Lucullan feast of an evening at Screme, a new premium gelato chain in New York City. We tried every flavor in the place—28, to be precise. That’s the Screme way: You can taste as much as you like. We felt O.K. about that, as Screme claims 1/3 fewer calories and lower…
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TRENDS: Whole Foods Over-Stretches The Definition Of “Local”

Most food-centric people are interested in “local” foods these days: to support their local family farms; to eat foods in season, when they taste the best; and for environmental reasons, because locally-grown food doesn’t have to be transported long distances, which saves on fossil fuel. While “local” has become a hot marketing word, we think…
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TRENDS: American Drinking Habits

We’re drinking less regular soda but more diet soda, bottled water and sports drinks. Some 68% of Americans drank regular soda in 2008, down from 76% in 2003, according to market research firm Mintel. The number of diet soda drinkers rose, with 7.8 million more adults reported drinking diet soda. The greatest changes in Americans’…
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