FOOD HOLIDAY: National Banana Creme Pie Day (Also Spelled Cream Pie)

March 2nd is National Banana Creme Pie Day. But is it banana creme or banana cream? Crème, pronounced crehm, is the French word for cream. As recipes evolved in the U.S., the trend was to emulate French spellings to give the recipe a cachet. Doesn’t soupe du jour (typically misspelled as soup du jour) sound…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs

March is National Nutrition Month, so we’re opening with a mini-tutorial on carbohydrates. Most people will concur that “carbohydrates are bad for you.” But just as there are good oils and bad oils, there are healthful and bad carbs. COMPLEX CARBS = GOOD CARBS “Good carbs,” more scientifically called complex carbohydrates, are important in your…
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