Bottled Water Infographic | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Bottled Water Infographic | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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EARTH DAY: Bottled Water Infographic

Do your part to cut down on bottled water landfill.


If you regularly drink bottled water, today’s the day to consider alternatives. There are several types of water filtration units, each easy to switch to:

  • A portable refillable water bottle
  • A countertop filtration unit for your kitchen (no plumbing required)
  • A water filtration unit that fits in the fridge
  • A sink water filter for your home and workplace sinks (minor plumbing required); this one sits on the countertop)
    These small moves can have a big impact on the environment, and make you feel good to be a part of the solution.



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