PRODUCT: Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
Given how many people enjoy PB, there’s a paucity of peanut butter ice cream out there.
We could make it, of course. But for instant gratification, we buy Reese’s Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cups: peanut butter ice cream in a chocolate cup. Or, to be accurate, it’s milk chocolate flavored coating,* made with vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter, so the coating will adhere better to the ice cream. Some “coatings” don’t taste like real chocolate. This one is so good, we didn’t notice the difference. Most PB ice creams have a lighter PB flavor. The peanut butter flavor in Reese’s† ice cream is intense and satisfying, a replication of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Look for the bright orange box in your grocer’s ice cream freezer. The product is certified kosher (dairy) by KOF-K. |
Intense peanut butter ice cream in a chocolate cup. Photo courtesy Reese’s. |
*To be called “chocolate,” the product must be made with cocoa butter. When the less expensive vegetable oil is substituted for cocoa butter—whether to save money or to make the product function better, as in the case of chocolate-coated ice cream bars—the product must be referred to as a coating, and as chocolate-flavored instead of “chocolate.” †Reese’s candy is made by Hershey. The ice cream is made by license to Unilever.