PRODUCT: Evolve Probiotic Kefir | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: Evolve Probiotic Kefir | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: Evolve Probiotic Kefir

Some kefir drinks taste like drinkable yogurt. Others taste like delectable smoothies.

Evolve kefir drinks are the latter—which makes it very easy to consume vast quantities of beneficial probiotic bacteria. Probiotics help to promote digestive health and enhance the immune system; while smoothies help to soothe the soul.

Learn all about kefir in our review of Evolve Kefir. The line is so delicious, we’ve given up milkshakes and malteds to focus on its delicious fruit flavors. The products are certified OU(D) kosher.

By the way:

• Many lactose intolerant people can enjoy kefir, as long as it is raw and not cooked. Cooking destroys the enzymes that make the product so digestible.

• Kefir is not “drinkable yogurt.” Although it is a cultured milk product like yogurt, with a similar tanginess, the “recipe” is different. Yogurt can be made with as few as two bacteria cultures and probiotic yogurt with another two probiotic cultures. Kefir is a complex colony of many more cultures, as you’ll learn in the review.

See our favorite yogurt products, plus recipes, in our Yogurt Section.

Plain kefir garnished with strawberries and
mint. Photo by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

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