TREND: Beyond Mini Cupcakes > Micro Cupcakes | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TREND: Beyond Mini Cupcakes > Micro Cupcakes | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TREND: Beyond Mini Cupcakes > Micro Cupcakes

First there were cupcakes. Then came mini cupcakes.

Now, thanks to Melissa Bushell, there are micro-cupcakes: just one inch in diameter, or one bite. If you need more visualization, they’re the size of a quarter—there’s a photo on the website.

We love them!

  • You can have just a bite: one cupcake.
  • You can have a different cupcake flavor with each bite (true cupcake excitement).
  • Both the cake and the frosting are excellent—which, based on everything we taste, is not the easiest feat to pull off.


  • There are no crumbs: You just pop the entire teeny cupcake into your mouth.Since 2009, New Yorkers have been flocking to Baked By Melissa, Melissa’s Soho bakery. This year, she opened an uptown location (if you consider Union Square “uptown” from Soho). And now, these adorable cupcakes can be shipped nationwide.

A dozen individual bites. Photo by Leah
Hansen | THE NIBBLE.

Current flavors include Cinnamon, Cookie Dough, Cookies and Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cup, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Red Velvet (with cream cheese frosting), S’mores and Tie-Dye. The last is the only one we wouldn’t reorder, but the groovy colors will be hit with the younger set.

The edible pearl-encrusted cupcakes in the photo aren’t on the website; if you’re interested, telephone 1.212.842.0220 or email

Serve them after dinner as fun and tasty petit-fours. The bites of bliss are a wonderful surprise for graduation and Father’s Day. And you’ll be the hit of any fête when you show up with a box.

See the miniature cupcake marvels at

Find more of our favorite cupcake product reviews and recipes.


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