PRODUCT: NUT-rition Fruit & Nut Mix | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: NUT-rition Fruit & Nut Mix | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: NUT-rition Fruit & Nut Mix

In our early childhood, it was the custom of some households—mostly grandmothers’—to have a cut-crystal dish of nuts and raisins on the coffee table. Did they know it was a protein-filled antioxidant snack or was it just a custom of older times: a treat that could be eaten every day (as opposed to a box of fine chocolates, which were for brought out for special visitors).

We’re certain that neither of our grandmothers thought about “protein snacks” or “energy snacks,” and never heard the words ALA, antioxidant, Omega-3. Yet, who knew: All along they were giving us a healthier snack than, let’s say, a dish of Hershey’s Kisses (which we would have preferred back then) or a candy bar.

Three generations later, Planters has recaptured the grandmothers’ snack concept with NUT-rition, a line of different fruit and nut mixes:

  • Digestive Health Mix, a higher-fiber mix of pistachios, almonds, cranberries, granola, and cherries
  • Energy Mix, a blend of almonds, honey roasted sesame sticks, peanuts, dark chocolate covered soynuts, walnuts, and pecans
  • Heart-Healthy Mix, with peanuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts and walnuts

Nut-rition for a healthier New Year.
Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

  • South Beach Diet Recommended Mix, with almonds, cashews and macadamias
  • Almonds and Smoked Almonds, both with 50% less sodium than the regular Planters productsTwo new additions this month include:
  • Omega-3 Mix, with ALA-rich walnuts, chocolate-covered soynuts, and dried cranberries
  • Antioxidant Mix, perhaps our favorite, with almonds, banana chips, cashews and dried blueberries, cranberries and peachesAre these better for you than a candy bar or a cupcake? Sure. Are they less caloric? Not necessarily. The 1/4-cup servings range from 160 to 190 calories, so are lower than most candy bars and cupcakes. But for us, it’s hard to stick to a smaller portion once the can is opened. There’s no psychological portion control. (Some varieties come in 1.5-ounce portion-controlled tubes.) There are also NUT-rition bars, but in our opinion, the great taste is in the mixes.

    But if you want healthier sweet snacks in the New Year, these mixes are a good start. There’s a $1.00 coupon in today’s newspaper.

    The only lingering question: Why is the name NUT-rition instead of NUT-trition?

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