TIP OF THE DAY: Egg Nog Alert | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Egg Nog Alert | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Egg Nog Alert

Egg nog has month-long celebration status: December is National Egg Nog Month. Unfortunately, the tasty nog (a nog is a beverage made with beaten eggs) is one of the most caloric foods on earth—not due to the eggs, but to the cream.

Our recent survey of five supermarket brands showed 190 to 230 calories per slender four-ounce portion. That’s without the rum and brandy, not to mention the whipped cream and/or vanilla ice cream added to many recipes. Have a full-size cup and “seconds,” and you can easily consume 1,000 egg nog calories!

So the tip of the day is: Plan accordingly!

  • Don’t fill the cup up all the way.
  • No matter how good it is, no matter that it’s “only at Christmas,” don’t have seconds and thirds unless you’ve worked it off beforehand.
  • If you’re the host, set out shot glasses in addition to punch glasses, so guests can help themselves to smaller portions.

Drink egg nog in small portions—like shot
glasses! Photo courtesy Chefs.com.

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