NEWS: Better Test For Antioxidants

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports a better test for measuring the antioxidant value of foods. The CAA (cellular antioxidant activity) assay is a more biologically relevant method than the popular chemistry antioxidant activity assays because it accounts for some aspects of uptake, metabolism and location of antioxidant compounds within cells, according to…
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NEWS: Less Dungeness Crab This Year

Look at my big, meaty claws. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.   A cargo ship headed for South Korea ran into a Bay Bridge tower earlier this month, spilling 58,000 gallons of oil into the San Francisco Bay. The spill polluted beaches across the bay and beyond. As reported by the Modesto Bee, the oil spill…
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NEWS: Inventor Of Theme Restaurants Dies

The next time you’re at a theme restaurant—perhaps a Hard Rock Café, Jekyll & Hyde Café, Johnny Rockets, Medieval Times or Planet Hollywood—remember David Tallichet, the founder of the genre.* He passed away last month at age 84, and his story was told recently by The Wall Street Journal. Back in the 1960s, he designed…
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PRODUCT WATCH: Michael Gagné Cream Cheese Biscuits

Our favorite biscuits—try them and you’ll be hooked, too.   The formal name of this product is Michael Gagné’s Robinhood Free Meetinghouse Biscuits—perhaps the longest-named food product in the world. Michael Gagné is the chef, the Robinhood Free Meetinghouse is the historic building in Maine that houses his restaurant, and Biscuits are, well, the product.…
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TRENDS: Black, The New Color Of Health Food?

McCormick came out with black food coloring this fall (it did not previously exist at the consumer level, so now you can ice chic [or goth] cupcakes to your heart’s content). Based on a food trend reported by Florida’s Sun Sentinel, McCormick may be an American trendsetter. Ebony-colored foods are red-hot in Japan and other…
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