TIP OF THE DAY: Go Nuts For Fresh Nutmeg

This Peugeot nutmeg grinder is top- of-the-line, but may be more ginder than you need. Just as freshly-ground pepper bears no resemblance to the bland, pre-ground powder, freshly-ground nutmeg is a vibrant spice that perks up sweet and savory dishes alike. We use it to flavor apples and other seasonal fruits (pies, compotes, sautéed sliced…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Go Nuts For Fresh Nutmeg

Whole nutmeg: Once you try it freshly-grated, you’ll never go back to pre-grated.   Just as freshly-ground pepper bears no resemblance to the bland, pre-ground powder, freshly-ground nutmeg is a vibrant spice that perks up sweet and savory dishes alike. We use it to flavor apples and other seasonal fruits (pies, compotes, sautéed sliced fruit),…
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