Potato Salad With Truffles: A Luxurious Recipe - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Potato Salad With Truffles: A Luxurious Recipe
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Potato Salad With Truffles: A Luxurious Recipe

August 18th is National Potato Day. We could celebrate happily with a fully loaded baked potato or some fabulous fries. But when we received this recipe from Gourmet Attitude, we knew we had to make it. (There’s no National Potato Salad Day…yet.)

Gourmet Attitude specializes in everything truffle: fresh truffles, frozen truffles, truffle butter, truffle cream, truffle honey, truffle oil…we’re too hungry to go on.

The recipe was created by Denise Woodward of Chez Us, a recipe blog with many fans.

So thanks Denise, thanks Gourmet Attitude, thanks to America’s potato growers, and thanks to the truffle hunters who scour forests in France and Italy, looking for the best truffles.

Fresh black winter truffles ($95/ounce) and fresh black summer truffles ($79 two ounces) may be too much of a luxury for most of us. So here are some substitutes:

While the aroma and flavor of truffles are unique, dry porcini mushrooms can be substituted in most recipes.

  • Soften whole dried porcini mushrooms in hot water for at least 15 minutes before adding to a dish. You can also use the soaking liquid instead of water for boiling the potatoes.
  • You can buy ground porcini mushrooms
    With or without truffles or porcini, you can substitute one or two tablespoons of truffle oil for the olive oil in the recipe.
    And it’s a perfectly good potato salad recipe without any truffles or porcini.

    > The History Of Potatoes

    > The Different Types Of Potatoes

    > The Different Types Of Truffles

    > The Difference Between Fungus Truffles, Chocolate Truffles & Candy Truffles

    > 25 More Potato Salad Recipes

    Serve this potato salad with grilled meats and seafood; baked ham; fried, grilled, or barbecued, chicken; brats; and with a classy burger.

    It can be served warm, room temperature, or chilled from the fridge.


  • 1 pound red or Yukon gold baby potatoes, cut into small quarters
  • 1 cup celery, thinly sliced
  • 1/3 shallot, peeled and sliced thinly
  • 6 tablespoons good olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, minced
  • 2 tablespoon black summer truffles, minced
  • kosher salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, freshly cracked
  • Black truffle slices for garnish

    1. BRING water to a boil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot. Season with kosher salt. Add the potatoes and cook only until fork tender, about 20 minutes. While the potatoes are cooking…

    2. MAKE the dressing. In a jar, combine the olive oil, vinegar, thyme and minced truffles*. Shake to combine.

    3. PLACE the cooled potatoes, celery and shallots in a large mixing bowl. Pour on the dressing and lightly fold to mix.

    4. SERVE in a bowl or on a serving platter. Garnish with some truffle slices*.


    If you buy it for this recipe, there are other dishes that would enjoy a brushing, spray or toss of truffle oil.

  • Grilled Proteins: Brush or spray on grilled or roasted beef, lamb, poultry and seafood.
  • Starches: Spray or toss with fries and other potatoes, pasta, polenta, and risotto.
  • Vegetables: Spray or toss with cooked asparagus, cauliflower, corn, mushrooms.
  • Vinaigrette: Replace some of the olive oil in a classic vinaigrette; use it to make marinated mushrooms.
  • Tartare: Mix into beef, salmon or tuna tartare; drizzle it on beef carpacio
  • Snacks: Spray on popcorn and potato chips.


    [1] A very luxurious potato salad with black truffles (photos #1, #2 and #3 © Gourmet Attitude).

    [2] Problem: Who gets the garnish of truffle slices?

    [3] Black winter truffles. See our Truffle Glossary for the different types of truffles.

    [4] Dried porcini mushrooms don’t taste like mushrooms, just like an orange doesn’t taste like a grapefruit. But it adds its own special flavor to the potato salad (photo © Caviar Russe).

    [5] Truffle oil is delicious as a dip with fries, Here’s more about truffle oil (photo © La Tourangelle).


    *Substitute ground porcini mushrooms for the minced truffles, and sliced porcini mushrooms for the truffle slices. The different types of mushrooms.


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