Harney & Sons Tea Gift Set - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Harney & Sons Tea Gift Set
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Harney & Sons Tea Gift Set

It’s often difficult to pick a gift for someone. So many of us have more “stuff” than we need, and/or no place to put anything else. That’s why we always give food gifts.

If the giftee* is a tea drinker, there are many fine gifts of loose tea, and even tea bags.

Here are two of our favorite gift ideas from Harney & Sons, one of America’s finest tea purveyors.

If you’re not sure if the recipient uses loose tea, how about Harney’s Deluxe Loose Tea Starter Kit?

It’s currently on sale, too, for $—29.95—a 40% reduction from the regular price of $49.95 (plus free shipping).

Loose tea might seem cumbersome, but it’s not.

It takes just seconds more to fill the tea strainer and pop the strainer into the hot water, instead of a tea bag.

Connoisseurs agree that loose tea is the best way to brew‡.

The starter kit helps anyone become a “master infusiast,” right at the kitchen counter.

The kit includes everything needed to enjoy the perfect cup, with top quality† tea):

  • A 4-ounce tin of Paris black tea, very aromatic and fruity with vanilla and caramel flavors.
  • A 4-ounce tin of Hot Cinnamon Spice black tea, with three types of cinnamon, orange peel and cloves.
  • A “perfect” teaspoon, to measure the perfect amount of loose tea.
  • A fine mesh brew-in-mug infuser, to fill with tea and pop into a mug.
  • A timer, so you know when to remove the infuser.
    Even the sturdy black and gold gift box is a “keeper,” to store or organize other items in your home.

    Order it from Harney & Sons.


    [1] The Deluxe Loose Tea Starter Kit (photos © The Nibble).

    [2] Open the box, and find everything needed to brew a great cup of tea.


    Another option Tea Of The Month, a monthly subscription that delivers premium loose teas or sachets (tea bags) with brewing instructions and tasting notes.

    The tea selection change each month, and include black, green, oolong and white teas.

    Here are the details.

    > The Different Types Of Tea

    > The History Of Tea

    > The History Of Tea Bags


    *We prefer “giftee” to “recipient,” because it is explicit that the person is recieving a gift. A recipient can receive anything.

    †Whole tea leaves that are infused in hot water provide the best flavor. They are the top quality tea leaves. Broken tea leaves need to be infused in bags. A name familiar to Americans, orange pekoe, is not a type of tea but a grade of tea. It is the second highest grade in a seven-tier grading system for black tea. It describes the size and physical condition of the leaf.

    When loose tea leaves are steeped in a pot or cup, there is plenty of room for them to move around, absorb water and expand. The water flow through the leaves and extracts (infuses) the flavors and aromas. In a bag, the leaves are constrained so there is less infusion.

    ‡Tea bags are a relatively new way to brew tea (the history of tea bags).


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