[1] and [2] Buy lots—you’ll love Noosa Mexican Chocolate Yoghurt (photo courtesy Noosa). [3] Actual Mexican chocolate is melted into hot chocolate (photo courtesy Taza Chocolate). In the rear: the roasted cacao beans from which chocolate is made. Just when you think there’s nothing more to discover in yogurt, you get a surprise: Noosa… Continue reading “PRODUCT: Noosa Mexican Chocolate Yoghurt (a.k.a. Yogurt)” →
Are you thrilled with your current food storage containers? Is there some improvement that you’d like? Take a look at the new Rubbermaid Brilliance Food Storage System: It has it all. WHAT YOU GET This new line of storage containers sets a standard in fabrication and utility. We’re so excited about the Brilliance line.… Continue reading “PRODUCT: Rubbermaid Brilliance Food Storage Containers” →