TIP OF THE DAY: Colorful Halloween Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Colorful Halloween Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Colorful Halloween Cheese

Basirion Rosso, a Gouda flavored with tomato
pesto. Photo courtesy iGourmet.com.

  Basiron Pesto Rosso.

Cahill’s Farm Flavored Irish Cheddar.

English Cheddar With Harissa.

Extra Triple Aged Gouda.

Huntsman Cheese.


Pecorino With Chile Flakes.

Saxonshire Cheese:

What do these cheeses have in common?

They all are visually on point for a Halloween cheese plate.

Check out all of these “Halloween cheeses” in detail. Thrill your guests with a colorful selection of these artisan cheese beauties.




Mimolette is a cow’s milk cheese, fascinating for its round ball shape and vibrant, harvest moon color (which comes from annatto).

The balls of Mimolette are aged from 6 to 18 months, during which the cheese is kept in a damp environment. There, thousands of microscopic cheese mites feed on the rind. This natural process gives the cheese its unique appearance, and also its unique flavor.

The younger varieties are comparable in taste and aroma to Parmesan. As the cheese ages, it takes on a chewier and harder texture and hints of butter and hazelnuts. The longer the cheese ages, the more we like it.

Mimolette lends itself well to dishes that call grated cheese: gratins, pastas, salads and soups, for example. It also makes a visual splash when you bring it to the table to grate.

Mimolette is a wonderful addition to the Halloween cheese plate. Serve it with apples or pears. For a wine pairing, try a dessert wine like moscato, sweet Riesling, port or sherry.

If you can’t find it locally, it’s easy to order Mimolette from ForTheGourmet.com.


Mimolette, another cheese the color of a harvest room. Get it from ForTheGourmet.com.


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