COOKING VIDEO: Chef Marcus Samuelsson Makes Gourmet Mac & Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures COOKING VIDEO: Chef Marcus Samuelsson Makes Gourmet Mac & Cheese | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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COOKING VIDEO: Chef Marcus Samuelsson Makes Gourmet Mac & Cheese


To make mac and cheese from scratch, there’s no better demonstrator than the buoyant and charming Marcus Samuelsson, one of America’s most popular chefs.

Chef Samuelsson grew up in Sweden. There he had meat balls with noodles, but didn’t discover macaroni and cheese until he moved to the U.S.

“You learn a dish, and then you want to do your own take,” says Samuesson. He tweaked the recipe into a hearty entrée: creamy, crispy and crunchy. “This is not a side dish, this is a meal by itself,” says the chef.

Samuelsson’s take on mac and cheese includes red onion, white Cheddar, Parmesan and toasted bread crumbs, a dish seasoned with garlic and marjoram. And bacon: “It just adds something to this dish that makes it smokier, a little bit saltier, a really nice flavor.”




  • Award-winning gourmet macaroni and cheese recipes
  • The history of macaroni and cheese, and Ronald Reagan’s recipe

    We recently read Marcus Samuelsson’s memoir, Yes, Chef.

    It’s an inspirational book for anyone who aspires to cook professionally and for foodies who admire the work of fine chefs. For those who are early in their careers in any industry, it’s packed with many teaching moments about hard work and a can-do attitude.

    Get your copy.

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