COOKING VIDEO: Spring Salad In A Cucumber “Vase” | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures COOKING VIDEO: Spring Salad In A Cucumber “Vase” | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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COOKING VIDEO: Spring Salad In A Cucumber “Vase”


Some things that look hard are actually really easy.

Take Spring Salad In A Cucumber Vase. The “vase” is actually a cucumber wrap filled with a multicolor spring lettuce mix.

What’s a spring lettuce mix? It varies by producer, but can include arugula, baby spinach, endive, frisée, green and red oak leaf, mustard greens, red and green romaine, lolla rossa (a fully curled red lettuce), radicchio and Swiss chard.

Take a look at how to turn a cucumber and a bag of spring lettuce mix into a work of art:



Find more salad recipes in our Vegetables Section.

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