TIP OF THE DAY: Give Away The Gadgets | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Give Away The Gadgets | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Give Away The Gadgets

If your kitchen gadget drawer is as clogged as most, it’s time to declutter.

Take everything out of your gadget drawer. Sort the gadgets into three piles: use weekly, use monthly, haven’t used in a long time. If you haven’t used an item in year, give it away to someone who needs it (or to the thrift store or a culinary school).

If you think you might shuck oysters again someday, store the knife and glove in a box in the basement, along with the cherry pitter and other specialty items you haven’t used in a dog’s age. If you have four different types of garlic presses (as we did), even if you cook with garlic daily, it’s time to find a new home for the ones you don’t use.

Organize your gadget drawer with dividers available at any kitchen products store. Silverware organizers also work.

Is it time to give away that space-hogging
cherry pitter? (On the other hand, if you
need one, you can get this one from OXO.)

And the next time you’re tempted to buy a mango slicer or other limited-use kitchen gadget, ask yourself: Will I use this at least twice a month? If not, think if you really need to devote the space to bringing it home.

We used our mango slicer twice. Stop by THE NIBBLE offices if you need one. We used it to make this mango cheesecake recipe and mango guacamole (add small diced mango cubes to your favorite guacamole recipe). We decided we preferred to slice mango with a knife.


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