TIP OF THE DAY: Garnish With Starfruit | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Garnish With Starfruit | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Garnish With Starfruit

Whatever your holiday cocktail or soft drink, a garnish of bright yellow starfruit is an easy way to make it festive.

Larger starfruit slices can be notched and set on the rim of the glass (see photo). Smaller slices can be threaded onto a cocktail pick—alone, or with a red raspberry and green mint leaf.

There are two types of starfruit—one sweet and one tart. You can’t tell them apart by looking, so ask the produce manager. Sweet starfruit makes for better eating—and is a far tastier garnish for dinner plates, platters, salad plates and desserts. Stand a slice upright on a cupcake!

How To Eat A Starfruit
Just wash, dry and slice. The peel and seeds are meant to be eaten. As with an apple, you can take a big bite from the whole fruit, but eating star-shaped fruit slices is a much niftier experience.

Here are more tips on starfruit, also known as carambola.

Find more of our favorite fruits in our Gourmet Fruits Section.

Make every drink a star with starfruit
garnish. Photo courtesy GreyGoose.com.


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