TIP OF THE DAY: Plan Afternoon Tea With Friends | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Plan Afternoon Tea With Friends | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Plan Afternoon Tea With Friends

Before a political reform movement co-opted the term “tea party” (and blocked out real tea parties from appearing on top in search engine results), the words evoked a charming, leisurely between-meal snack that was created in 1840 by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford.

In the long stretch from midday luncheon to dinner at 8 p.m., the duchess felt peckish. One day she ordered some refreshments: a pot of tea and whatever was in the kitchen—biscuits, scones, a slice of cake. On subsequent days, she invited friends to stop by, and the custom of afternoon tea* was born (details).

When was the last time you had afternoon tea with friends? Less fuss than a brunch or dinner party, it can be an elaborate buffet of foods or as simple as a pot of tea and cookies.

We love finding special cookies, like Tea Aura’s leaf-shaped shortbread. The cookies are enhanced with finely-ground tea, similar to Biscottea, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week.

Tea Aura cookies are available in Chocolate Mint Tea, Earl Grey Tea, Lavender Currant, Matcha Green Tea and Rooibos Chai Tea.

Pick a day and invite friends. If you work during tea time, plan something in the office. At THE NIBBLE, we have tea every day at 4:30.


Afternoon tea can be as simple as a cup of
tea and some charming cookies, like these
leaf-shaped shortbreads from TeaAura. Photo
by River Soma | THE NIBBLE.

Even if you have only ten-minutes, the break will refresh you until dinner.

A year of tea party ideas.
*Afternoon tea is often erroneously referred to as “high tea.” High tea is a working class supper—far from the elegance of afternoon tea.

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