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CONTEST: The Kettle Brand “Create-a-Chip Challenge”

Concocting the next “it” potato chip flavor: right up there with professional baseball watching and test-driving Ferraris as far as our dream jobs go. Now, thanks to Kettle Brand, you can buy your very own flavor factory and live a day in the life with four bags of “blank canvas” plain Kettle Chips, and a zesty palette of seven all-natural seasonings like caramelized onion, roasted tomato and lemon butter. Just open a bag of chips, add a healthy dusting of cheddar or sweet chili with additions from your kitchen, shake well and let the artistry begin!

With an astronomical 1,750 possible combinations (though Kettle recommends keeping it to two or three flavors per bag), you’ll be turning out your own masterpieces like Spicy Ketchup with Dill and Grown Up Mac ‘n Cheese chips in no time. It’s a tasty project for foodies, or an appropriate addition to any college dorm room for ubiquitous late-night snacking.

Kettle Brand "Create-a-Chip Challenge" Kit

Kettle Brand “Create-a-Chip Challenge” kit

Buy a kit at, and submit your stroke of sweet-spicy-sour-salty genius online for a chance at flavor immortality. Your online “pantry” contains 27 ingredients, soy sauce and honey included…so, let’s just say the possibilities are endless.

-See more of our favorite chips in our Snacks Section.
-For more information, see The History of Potato Chips.
-See more flavored potato chips reviewed by THE NIBBLE.

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NEWS: Longest Coffee Break Ever

Winter, a 37-year-old computer programmer from Houston has made it his life’s mission to visit every Starbucks on earth – a lofty goal further complicated by the coffee giant’s recent downturn in profits. Competition roars from the other chain on every corner, McDonald’s, now serving posh coffee drinks at lower prices. Frequent customers are turning former, establishing more economical relationships with their home brewers. And Starbucks, which once ruled the kingdom of caffeine with a venti fist, has begun closing stores. title="A

A strong cup of bitter farewell.

This strikes a devastating personal note for Winter, who has visited over 9,000 Starbucks spanning 17 countries in the last 12 years. A self-professed “mild” compulsive, he drops everything and hops into a plane when word gets out that a location he hasn’t visited yet will be dropping its green awning forever. Last summer he drove 25,000 miles around the country visiting 40 doomed locations, one of which closed before he got the chance to sample their wares and take a photograph. He calls it “the one that got away.”

Read more about Winter and his coffee break – full story at the Wall Street Journal.

-Read all about gourmet coffee.
-What’s your coffee IQ? Take our quiz.
-Learn about the history of coffee.
-Check out our glossary of coffee terms.

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DISCOUNT: $3.00 Coupon For Maple Farms Duck


A lovely confit leg of duck, ready to heat an eat.

We love duck, but we don’t like to cook it—our New York City apartment doesn’t have an exhaust, and it ends up smelling like Roast Duck Central for days. That’s why we were so happy to discover Maple Leaf Farms, duck that’s cooked and frozen, needing only a quick heat-and-eat. We’ve been enjoying duck much more frequently thanks to the tasty quackers from Maple Leaf Farms.

And now, we’ve discovered a $3.00 printable coupon, good until the end of the year. It’s like printing money. Discounted duck—just what we needed in a recession.

– Here’s the $3.00 coupon.

– Here’s our review of Maple Leaf Farms duck products.

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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Wine Day

Who has to have his or her arm twisted to celebrate National Wine Day? Use this article and chart of wine flavor and aroma descriptors to aid in your understanding of whatever you drink.

Speaking of wine descriptors, we’d like to take a few moments to riff on the snarky comments we too often hear about “wine snobs.” Earlier this year, we even received an email from a public relations firm—sent to journalists—asking us to send them our favorite, deprecating “wine snob” terms so that they could turn them into some kind of wine-snob-bashing promotion. The wine brand they mentioned was not a label that “wine snobs” might pursue, so one could see some “fun in bashing the wine snobs” in the works. However, we were shocked that any PR agency or wine brand would encourage such negativity. So, let’s take a minute to talk about “wine snobs,” who they are, and why anyone might want to bash them in the first place.

First, the definition of a snob, per The American Heritage Dictionary:


Toast to National Wine Day! Photo courtesy StockXchng.

(a) One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors. (b) One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.

O.K., even if they do, what’s it to you? The best course of action is to ignore such people, not call attention to them. But let’s power on.

1. Our first group of “suspects,” people who are wine connoisseurs, could hardly be called snobs. They are people who are seriously educated in wine and who generally enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. Everyone began at the bottom of the wine knowledge ladder, spent years acquiring their expertise, and are always in “learning mode.”

– True wine connoisseurs are very passionate and knowledgeable about wine, have highly educated palates, collect fine wine, drink very good wine as a rule and avoid middling wine. Declining to drink mediocre wine does not make one a “snob”: Would you eat a tough steak?
– Good wine does not mean pricey wine. A wine connoisseur knows how to find a satisfying $10 bottle from Cahors, South Africa or wherever. In fact, anyone knows how to find a good $100 bottle of wine. The hero is the person who finds the good $10 (or these days) $20 bottle of wine.
– True wine connoisseurs don’t care if you’re wealthy or important, as long as you have deep knowledge about wine and can have a vibrant discussion about it. A school teacher with a great palate and a wealth of information and ideas is more welcome than a millionaire with neither.
– True wine connoisseurs cherish enjoying the world’s greatest wines on special occasions and sharing them with other wine lovers—in fact, part of the excitement is having the communal experience with other wine lovers who will appreciate the bottle and remember it in discussions that will take place years hence.
– They don’t really want to have Mouton Rothschild and Chateau d’Yquem every night, because then these great wines will cease to be special experiences. They enjoy new discoveries and don’t judge anything until they’ve tried it.

Those who enjoy theatre aren’t called “theatre snobs.” Those who spend a lot on fine travel aren’t “travel snobs.” Those who pour fortunes into lavish homes aren’t “real estate snobs.” It’s that industry jargon that others don’t understand or appreciate that causes those who use it to be seen as “snobs.”

– Yes, wine connoisseurs use words like “blackcurrant,” “smokey,” “butterscotch” and “leathery” to describe wines. But that isn’t snobby, that’s descriptive—just as you’d use the words like “fruity,” “peppery,” “buttery” or “herbal” to describe different styles of olive oil.
– The overarching point is that knowledgeable people know what they want to buy. If you prefer a wine with dark fruit flavors like blackcurrant to red fruit flavors like strawberry, you want the sommelier or store clerk to point you to what you’ll enjoy—just as you want to be able to accurately describe the wine is to fellow connoisseurs.
– And while we’re at it, here’s a chart of olive oil flavors and aromas, while we’re at it.)

Now for the real wine snob.

2. If anyone needs to be called a wine snob, it’s the person who wants to impress people with his wealth and/or knowledge by throwing around the names of prestigious wines he/she has consumed. A person who acts in the manner of the dictionary definition cited above. A person who will tell you that he had a 1990 La Tache Burgundy with his burger last night.

– Real wine connoisseurs call this behavior “drinking the labels”—i.e., trying to impress others with what you own or what you’ve drunk or who you drank it with. No one thinks less of a wine snob than a wine connoisseur.

So enjoy your glass(es) of wine on this dual holiday. Think of all of those who have given their lives for our country, and how unnecessary it is to need to call anyone a wine snob—or any kind of snob—in the first place.

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NEWS: Whole Foods Provides Loans To Small Producers


The cheese aging room at an artisan creamery. Photo courtesy of Jasper Hill Farm.

Whole Foods Market believes in supporting local farmers and producers. The company’s Local Producer Loan Program provides low-interest loans from $1,000 to $100,000 to small, local producers, to help bring more local products to market. The money can be for things like purchasing more animals, investing in new equipment or converting to organic production. Through the program, the fees, interest rates and paperwork that can often get in the way of a small local farm or business taking the next step to expand its operations, are minimized.
Food artisans from ranchers and beekeepers to ice cream makers and bakers have taken advantage of the program. If you are a local producer yourself, learn more.

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