PRODUCT: Smartfood Movie Theater Butter Popcorn | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: Smartfood Movie Theater Butter Popcorn | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: Smartfood Movie Theater Butter Popcorn

Smartfood, a Frito-Lay brand, has made popcorn in Kettle Corn, Sea Salt and White Cheddar. And now, there’s Movie Theatre Butter.

Recently, Smartfood send us samples of their Movie Theater Butter flavor. As the name promises, it is very buttery (the ingredients include real butter). You get buttery flavor without buttery fingers.

The popcorn is well salted, too.

We personally like less salt—and also know excess salt isn’t good for you. But no doubt this recipe tested well with consumers. While devoured the whole bag, and if another bag were set in front of us, we would eat it as well.

Archaeologists estimate that popcorn dates back to around 3600 B.C.E. They deduce that popcorn was first made by throwing corn kernels on sizzling hot stones tended over a campfire, or onto heated sand.

It was not eaten as a snack food: The corn was sifted and then pounded into a fine, powdery meal and mixed with water. This same cooking technique was used by the early Colonists, who mixed ground popcorn with milk and ate it for breakfast as a kind of cereal.

Popcorn is the better-for-you salty snack. A cup of plain popcorn contains about 31 calories, compared to about 139 calories for a cup of plain potato chips.

Buttery, salty and whole grain. Photo courtesy Frito-Lay.
  • It’s the only snack that’s 100% whole grain: high in dietary fiber.
  • The hull (the part that gets stuck in your teeth) contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants.

    Smartfood popcorn is air popped is all natural, free of artificial flavors or preservatives. It’s available in 7.5-ounce bags at grocery stores nationwide.

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