PRODUCT: Higher Caffeine Teas | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: Higher Caffeine Teas | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: Higher Caffeine Teas

More buzz than coffee. Photo by Elvira
Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant, a compound present in tea, coffee and other beverages. Coffee has more caffeine, 80 to 100 mg. per cup.

Among teas, black tea has the highest amount of caffeine, about 40 mg. per cup; with diminishing amounts found in oolong, green (approximately 20 mg. per cup) and white teas, depending on strength and steeping time.

But what if you need more of a caffeine jolt and don’t like coffee or energy drinks?

Republic Of Tea hopes to fill the gap with its new line of HiCaf™ Teas for natural energy.

The company has intensified the normal caffeine in tea by adding green tea extract, known to have more caffeine than coffee, so tea drinkers can quickly get a healthy jump on the day.

There are five initial varieties: four black and one green.



Black Teas

  • Breakfast Black HiCAF Tea Bags
  • Caramel Black HiCAF Tea Bags
  • Pom-berry Black HiCAF Tea Bags
  • Toasted Coconut Black HiCAF Tea Bags
    Green Tea

  • Gingermint Green HiCAF Tea Bags
    We received three samples: Breakfast Black Tea, Black Caramel and Gingermint Green. The caffeine content is clearly indicated on the side of each tin.

    Breakfast Black and Gingermint Green read their scripts well, and we’ve been enjoying them every morning. Caramel Black was too flavor-forward for us but will please people who enjoy highly flavored teas. We expect the same would be true with Pom-berry and Toasted Coconut black teas.

    Three of the five HiCAF flavors. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.
    Did they give us a jolt?

    No, but we don’t get a jolt from coffee, either.

    Each tin contains 50 round, unbleached tea bags free of strings, tags and staples: $13/tin.

    The full collection is available for purchase at and at natural and specialty food stores nationwide.

    There are seven foods that contain natural caffeine. Can you name them?

    The first two are giveaways: coffee and tea. The other five are in the footnote* below, but try to guess before you look.
    *Cacao (in cocoa and chocolate products), coffee, guarana (a component of energy drinks), guayusa (another Amazonian leaf), the kola nut (used to make Coke and other colas), conventional tea (Camellia sinensis) and yerba maté.

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