TIP OF THE DAY: Grass Fed Beef Benefits | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Grass Fed Beef Benefits | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Grass Fed Beef Benefits

Next time, try grass-fed beef. Photo courtesy


America is raising its beef consciousness. People in the know are seeking out grass-fed beef, which offers benefits over the now-conventional grain-fed beef.

You can find grass-fed beef on store shelves and in better restaurants—even burger bistros, such as Thunder Burger and Bar in the tony Georgetown section of Washington, D.C. Executive Chef Ryan Fichter explains:

“You haven’t enjoyed a great tasting burger until you have had a grass-fed beef burger. There’s simply no comparison and once people try it, they always want that standard. It’s a better burger all the way around.”

Fichter continues: “There are just so many benefits to eating grass-fed beef, it really makes you wonder why you would ever not want grass-fed beef.”


Taste. Those who buy grass-fed beef prefer the flavor. All cattle grazed on grass before the industrialization of the beef industry led to feedlot farms and antiobiotics. See The Meatrix.

Health. Grass-fed beef produces a healthier meat: three times higher in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E and around 10 times more beta carotene. And that’s just the beginning of its superior nutrition.

Clean Eating. Clean eating means trying to steer clear of chemicals and additives, such as the antibiotics and hormones given to conventionally raised cattle. Grass-fed beef is a natural product.

Environment. Grass-fed beef is better for the planet: It produces less waste and helps to create a healthier ecosystem. As opposed to feedlots, which pollute water tables, grass-grazing cattle provide natural weed control and help to cycle nutrients in the soil. Plus, the grass they feed on grows naturally, whereas vast amounts of resources are used in raising the grain eaten by conventional cattle.

Humanity. Cattle that are grass-fed typically live a more natural and enjoyable life. They eat what nature intended them to eat and have the opportunity to roam stress free, as opposed to the stressed lives of tightly-penned-in cattle.

So, the next time you buy or order beef, if there’s a grass-fed option, try it. Let us know what you think.

How many different cuts of beef have you had? Check out our Beef Cuts Glossary.

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